Paul and Justin’s Story
03. What is the refugee resettlement process? 01. What is World Relief Durham? 02. Who are newcomers and refugees? 04. How can the local Church practically partner with refugees? VOLUNTEER ORIENTATION OVERVIEW WORLDRELIEFDURHAM.ORG HOW DO WE LOVE THESE NEW NEIGHBORS?
01. AN INTERNATIONAL NON-PROFIT WHAT IS WORLD RELIEF DURHAM World Relief Durham | 5 NORTH CAROLINA OFFICES High Point Durham 24 U.S. OFFICES 16 INTERNATIONAL OFFICES Disaster relief, AIDS care, anti-human trafficking efforts, immigration reform, microfinance, post-genocide relief
WHAT IS WORLD RELIEF DURHAM 66 Mission To empower the local Church to serve the most vulnerable. Since 2001 World Relief has served newcomers in the Triangle Area. Vision In community with the local Church, World Relief envisions the most vulnerable people transformed economically, socially, and spiritually. WE ARE ONE World Relief, an extension of the Church of Jesus Christ. Philosophy The local Church is called to serve ‘ the least of these.’ WRD is the equipper and coach.
WHAT IS WORLD RELIEF DURHAM? World Relief Durham | A REFUGEE RESETTLEMENT AGENCY AN OVERVIEW OF THE SERVICES PROVIDED THROUGH THE REFUGEE RESETTLEMENT PROGRAM: HousingFinancial Literacy Legal DocumentationSocial Services SafetyESL Cultural AdjustmentEmployment TransportationEducation/School HealthFriendship
A.THE CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION (CCDA) Relocation Redistribution Reconciliation Church-based Leadership Development Holistic Empowerment Listening to the Community B. INTEGRAL MISSION The balance of word and deed C. RELATIONSHIPS True transformation happens through authentic relationships WHAT IS WORLD RELIEF DURHAM? World Relief Durham | A MINISTRY
Through the United States Resettlement Program 10 Each Year, 70,000 Refugees are granted admission into the United States SOME OF THE LARGEST GROUPS INCLUDE: Burmese Iraqi Somali Sudanese Congolese Afghan Pakistani 70K 10% 7,000 REFUGEES RESETTLED 250 ANNUALLY
NEWCOMERS: Foreign-born population in the Triangle (including refugees) Estimated 300,000 newcomers living in the Triangle - 24 percent of the Triangle’s population WRD wants to empower the local church to reach all newcomers, not just refugees. WHO ARE NEWCOMERS AND REFUGEES? World Relief Durham | 11
CASE FOR ACTION 12 Of Population Growth is Newcomers Raleigh is the Fastest Growing City in America The Triangle is projected to double in size Forbes 60% ONE WITHIN 1 GENERATION (BY 2050) MILLION NEWCOMERS
WRD defines refugee using the United Nation’s definition of “refugee” from 1951: “ Any person who flees his/her country because of a well-founded fear of persecution for reasons of: Race, Religion, Nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion” WHO ARE NEWCOMERS AND REFUGEES? World Relief Durham | 13
WHO ARE NEWCOMERS AND REFUGEES? World Relief Durham | Interview 01. Interview The United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) interviews all refugees and the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) interviews those refugees who may be headed to the United States. Only those who can prove they are escaping persecution are eligible to find freedom in a new country. 02. Flight 02. Flight Finally some refugees receive the good news - another country has accepted them. Refugees borrow the money to pay the cost of transportation. They travel for several days to get to their new host country. 03. Arrival 03. Arrival Staff and volunteers take refugees to their new apartment(s). They explain the locks, stove, electricity, and heating system. For some, this is all new! For others, however, this apartment may be a step down from their previous living conditions.
WHO ARE NEWCOMERS AND REFUGEES? 15 Which refugees are resettled? Priority 1: Individual referrals Example: A specific refugee targeted politically Priority 2: Group referrals Example: ethnic based persecution Priority 3: Family reunification Example: husband/father flees first and family follows later No discrimination ( age, work skills, education, religion, etc) What is causing persecution? Burma/Myanmar: Military dictatorship; ethnic and religious minorities persecuted Iraq: Religious and ethnic minorities persecuted; collaborators with American military, foreign journalists or companies Somalia: Military interventions by the African Union; political persecution Sudan: War conflict
WHAT IS THE REFUGEE RESETTLEMENT PROCESS? World Relief Durham | 17 Resettlement Categories: Housing, Health, Financial literacy, ESL, Transportation Education, Employment Actions: 1.Core ServicesCore Services 2.Cultural Adjustment
WHAT IS THE REFUGEE RESETTLEMENT PROCESS? World Relief Durham | 18 Welcome money: $925 per person Social Service Benefits: Medicaid Food Stamps Disability Refuge Cash Assistance: Must take English classes & actively look for work Initial Financial Assistance:
WHAT IS THE REFUGEE RESETTLEMENT PROCESS? World Relief Durham | 19 Refugees receive 90 days of funded case management from WRD Refugees can use WRD’s services for up to 180 days, although WRD receives no funding past 90 days However, WRD and the refugees it resettles have a continued relationship for years Refugees connected to the local church for EXTENSIVE friendship