Why is there a review of sport? Isn’t everything fine as it is? Well yes, everything is fine. But it’s exactly that, just fine. Sport could be even better and as a consequence of the review, we will see more resource than ever pumped into sport at Warwick. Sports Clubs are an extremely important aspect of Warwick Sport, hence the desire to increase resource and support them further.
It’s more than that though. The current model for sport is not sustainable: People who buy a £55 WS Membership currently see £38 of their money go to fund Sports Clubs and only £17 actually goes towards other activity. This is disproportionate to the costs attributed to the activities. In order to grow and develop club and non-club activity, we need to restore that balance in order to invest resource in both activities.
Also the systems and processes are messy and inefficient: Conflicting communication – money held in SU, payments signed off at the Sports Centre… No clear guidelines for who makes decisions involving clubs, the SU or Warwick Sport. Duplications of services, but also gaps.
The fundamental idea is to play to each organisation’s strengths to support sports clubs in the most efficient way possible. The SU has established support for Societies including for trips, balls, events, marketing, etc. Warwick Sport has expertise in sports development, connections with NGBs and a strong performance programme. We want to utilise these expertise for the benefit of clubs.
It sounds very complicated, but actually, on a day to day basis operationally there will not be a huge amount of difference for you guys. Except for, hopefully, some noticeable improvements! I’ll talk through some tangible examples now.
Club grants These will remain at £152,735, for distribution between the clubs Sports Administrators The Sports Administrator for BUCS (Tom) and for Finance & Transport (Hollie) will still be in the Sports Centre next year Headline Events Varsity, Sports Ball and Sports Fair will still be organising and resourced by the SU Warwick Active Jen will still oversee the participation programme and we hope that clubs will continue to get more and more engaged with that Performance Programme Lisa will still oversee the Focus Team and Scholarship programmes
Prices Unfortunately, there will be a price increase next year for most club members. This is partially to restore the costs proportional to activity, as I mentioned earlier, and partially to invest in developing sports clubs. Additional staff There will be the most staff resource we’ve ever had for clubs, with a new Club Development Officer post More money available to clubs There will be more money available for clubs, beyond your club grant, to bid for through the Club Development programme Website Warwick Sport have launched a new website and as part of the review, all resources for clubs will be in one place (yippee!)
Not everyone will see an increase! o 25% of current club members will pay the same in year 1 o 53% of all members don’t pay more User Group (% of members) Warwick Sport Membership Sport Federation Fee Warwick Sport Club Package Club Membership (per club) Total Current: Club Members (60%)£55--£6£61 Non Club Members (39%)£55--- Future: Club - Non Facility Users (14%) -£30£25£6£61 Club - Facility Users (47%)£58£30-£6£94 Non Club Members (39%)£58---
Their responsibilities will include: o Managing the Kitemark programme o Managing the Club Development Programme budget o Being the link between Sports Clubs and Warwick Sport – main point of contact for you in Warwick Sport o Managing partnerships: o NGBs o County Sport Partnership o BUCS o Sport England o Annual development plan meetings with Clubs o Support for Sports Officer o Proactively supporting growth and development of the club infrastructure including developing funding applications o Supporting and facilitating links into wider Warwick Sport programmes
o All Sports Club resources in one place – ‘Exec Area’ o Easier to navigate o One stop shop for sport! o Clever system to make joining clubs simple
o We are aware of a possibility to let Sports Clubs have their own brand within sport at Warwick, if you want to. o For example, Bath and Durham brand their Sports Clubs as Team Bath and Team Durham, which gives them their own identity. o This is something to think about over the next 12 months and we’ll be asking for your ideas, so think about how you want to be recognised!
o Don’t panic about the review. o If your members ask questions that you can’t answer, then explain that they are welcome to me to find out all the details, but in terms of their experience, there will be no noticeable change for members except for an improvement (extra money for their clubs and more opportunities through the Club Development Officer). o The biggest change is of course the price increase. I will work with Ruby to produce a document that you can give to members explaining the price increase and why it’s happening. o In terms of changes for Exec – operationally it is more staff support and resources moving on the website to one, easy to find place.
*End of session* This has been a super quick overview, so if you have any questions at all, don’t hesitate to me