Hello again, I am still Angry Toaster-Brow, and now you know some big numbers let’s take on the bigger ones. You’ll find they aren’t so scary.
Sesenta Sixty
Seventy Setenta
Ochenta Eighty
Noventa Ninety
Cien One Hundred
One Thousand Mil
Diez mil Ten Thousand
One Hundred Thousand Cien mil
One Million Un millón
One Billion Mil millones
Now try these!
Seiscientos veintitrés 623
2,578 Dos mil quinientos setenta y ocho
Setecientos cincuenta y seis mil doscientos noventa y ocho 756,298
Ciento nueve mil cuatrocientos millones, trescientos cincuenta y seis mil doscientos ochenta y siete 109,400,356,287
There you go, that wasn’t difficult at all! Now you’re a master, try handy numbers practice.