Substantially Conductive Polymers Part 03
Possible Polymerization Mechanism of Acetylene (via the metal-carbene intermediate) 3 Insoluble Infusible Intractable metallocycle metal-carbene
Solubility Improvement of Polyacetylenes (via incorporation of substituents) 4
Coplanarity is the key for gaining high conductivity Substituent Effects: Solubility Conductivity 5
6 A Molecular Orbital Description of Stability Bonding MO: constructive (in-phase) overlap Antibonding MO: destructive (out-of-phase) overlap
7 Consider the molecular orbitals of 1,4-pentadiene: This compound has 4 e, which forming 2 bonds that are completely separated from one another 4 x 2p 2 x * 2 x
8 The Molecular Orbitals of 1,3-Butadiene resonance contributors resonance hybrid HOMO LUMO HOMO = the highest occupied MO LUMO = the lowest unoccupied MO 4 x 2p
9 The Molecular Orbitals of 1,3,5-Hexatriene
10 Summary of Energy Diagram h h h
Conjugation / Wavelength / Molar Absorptivity 11
Metal Semiconductor/ Insulator 12 Bands and Bandgaps Element Solids C : insulator (5.5 eV) Si : semiconductive (1.1 eV) Ge : semiconductive (0.7 eV) Sn : metal (0.1 eV) Pb : metal
13 increased attraction (nucleus e cloud) Bond dissociation energy (bond strength) : energy required to break a bond or energy released to form a bond increased repulsion (nucleus nucleus) Energy diagram for a H-H bond formation
14 Bonding in Hydrogen Halides
Typical Charge Carriers (via doping) 15
Energy diagrams of charge carriers 16 No. of charge carrier absorption bands: Soliton: 1 Polaron: 3 Bipolaron: 2 π band π* band
Alternative Methods for Making Polyacetylenes 17 Dehydrochlorination
Durham Route (via a processable precursor) 18
19 The Diels–Alder Reaction (1,4-addition reaction; concerted reaction) ppt a pericyclic reaction; a [4+2] cycloaddition reaction 3 2σ+ 1
20 unstable at RT For the 2nd ring: 24 kcal/mol
Syntheses of Poly(p-phenylene) (PPP) 21 Had very low molecular weights or irregular structures Reductive polymerization (step-reaction)
23 Oxidative polymerization (step-reaction) 23
24 Catalyzed Chain polymerization
25 Lower the aromatization temperature via the decarboxylation
26 Free Radical Chain Reaction
Radical Chain Polymerization Mechanism 27
Radical Initiators 28
Chain Transfer 29
Syntheses of Polyphenylene Vinylene (PPV) 30