Mrs. Suzanne Flynn, School Librarian Mr. Ron Carlisle, 6 th Grade Teacher Shaler Area School District May 9, 2012
What are Lexiles? Scientific approach to reading and text measurement Matches reader ability and text difficulty, allowing individualized monitoring of progress. Research shows matching the reader and text improves reading skills.
Who Developed Lexiles? Developed in 1984 with a grant from National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD). MetaMetrics: a private educational measurement and research organization. Develops scientific measures of academic achievement that enhance differentiated instruction and personalized learning.
Lexiles and Common Core Standards Lexiles: Cited by Common Core State Standards for English/Language Arts. Adopted by nearly half of all states in the United States. Cited in Common Core Standards, Appendix A. *Common Core Standards recommend Lexile bands for reading comprehension development be each grade level.*
How Do Lexiles Actually Work? Two parts: -Lexile measure relates to the text -Lexile scale relates to the reader Measure the TEXT: Reading ability or text difficult score followed by an “L” (i.e. 850L) Comprehension difficulty Semantic difficulty (word frequency) Syntactic difficulty (sentence length)
Measuring the Text Using Lexiles A book has a Lexile level, a readability rating A student has a Lexile score, which is their instructional level Measures the syntactic difficulty -Syllables per word -Words per sentence Measures the semantic difficulty -Happy = 50 Lexiles -Glad = 120 Lexiles -Pleased = 360 Lexiles -Jovial = 460 Lexiles Evaluates EVERY word and SENTENCE
Text Examples 460 Lexile Version -Row your boat gently down the stream. -8 syllables; 7 words; one sentence 800 Lexile Version -Propel your vessel placidly down the tributary. -14 syllables; 7 words; one sentence (Measured using
Real-Life Examples CD/DVD player instructions; 1080L Installing your child safety seat; 1170L Federal Tax Form, W-4; 1260L Application for Student Loan; 1270L Chicago Tribune; 1310L The Wall Street Journal; 1320L (Kilzer, R. (2009). The Lexile framework for elementary.)
Using the Lexile Scale Lexile scale (the READER): Developmental scale for reading Range from below 200L (beginning-reader material) to above 1700L (advanced text)
How Do We Measure the Students? Scholastic Reading Inventory (SRI) “Research-based, computer-adaptive reading assessment that measures students’ level of reading comprehension and reports it using the Lexile Framework for Reading.” Administered three times per school year September, January, May Computer-based Academic coaches assist in administration Data-driven instructional piece
Scholastic Reading Inventory (SRI) Using Lexile levels to inform instruction and choice Independent Instructional Frustration
How Does the Lexile Compare to Grade Level? Lexile scores in a range of numbers. More accurate than grade-level. Compare to “shoe size.”
What Lexile Does NOT Measure Developmental Suitability: Age-appropriateness Prior knowledge required for comprehension Quality: “Good” books Books to “hook” reluctant readers Content: Complexity of plot Complexity of character(s)
Lexile is a Good Measuring Tool, but it is Just One Factor in Great Book Selection! InterestMystery Guys Read Awards Fantasy Biography Quality Literature Recommendations
The Lexile Scale and Independent Reading Level (Fluent) 100 to 250 Lexiles below SRI Lexile Score Vocabulary and syntax should be easy Maintains and increases reading comprehension Builds fluency and confidence Explores new or difficult subjects Practices reading skills
The Lexile Scale and Instructional Reading Level (On-Level) 50 Lexiles above or 100 Lexiles below SRI Lexile score Students can read at this level with accompanying instruction Appropriate level of challenge for small group work Maintains and increases reading comprehension Use for audio book selection
The Lexile Scale and Frustration Reading Level (Challenging) 50 Lexiles to 250 Lexiles above SRI Lexile score Ideal for teacher modeling or read aloud text Student will not be able to read the text independently Use with support only when student has a deep interest/prior knowledge base of subject matter Important to consider!!!
SAES Library and Lexiles Lexiles purchased for school library catalog. Lexiles are recorded within the inside cover of each reading selection. Students are able to then self-select books based on his or her Lexile. Flexibility remains constant- students may read slightly above or below their Lexile. Promotes independent reading!
“Reader Behaviors” Readers have a “next” book. Readers talk about what they’re reading. Readers like to keep track of what they have read.
Types of Readers Developing Readers -Experiencing reading failure time and time again. Dormant Readers -These students never discover that reading is enjoyable. -Because much of reading is dictated by teachers, these readers do not learn to choose books for themselves. Underground Readers -Avid readers -School is about performing to the teacher’s expectations and doing the work that is required. -Their reading takes place all outside of school, or at “stolen” moments (hiding their book in their desk)
Some Lexile Observations Nonfiction tends to score higher than fiction. Most upper elementary fiction books fall within the 600L to 1000L range. Fantasy fiction tends to score HIGH Mystery fiction tends to score LOW Titles with older publication dates score higher within the Lexile Framework. No correlation between book length and Lexile score. Not necessarily a correlation between target audience and Lexile score.
Relating Lexiles to Reading Incentive Programs Shaler Area Elementary School- “Blazing the Titan Trail: A Reading Adventure” School-wide field trip celebration in June. Motivational assemblies throughout the school year. Students are challenged to read at least 25 Reading Counts books within their Lexile range, and pass its corresponding quiz by scoring 80% or higher. (8/10) Promotes reading and makes reading fun! Reading becomes part of lifelong learning!
Conclusions… The Lexile Framework helps to encourage students to read within a “comfort zone.” Respect confidentiality within student SRI scores. Flexibility is a must when creating a school-wide reading incentive program using Lexiles. Do not confine students exactly to his or her Lexile, maintain an open mind. Encourage students to READ, READ, READ!
References The Lexile Framework® for Reading. MetaMetrics.. "Andrew Kyngdon Joins Durham-Based MetaMetrics Inc. as Senior Research Scientist." dBusinessNews: Daily Business News Delivered to Your Desktop. 24 Oct dBusinessNews. 6 Nov Ezarik, Melissa. "Text Demands on Students Don't Meet Life's Demands." Curriculum Update June Glick, Andrea, and Renee Olson. "Company Touts System to Match Students and Books." School Library Journal Sep 1998: 94. Jones, Chip. “Measure of Difficulty." Richmond Times-Dispatch 4 May Reid, Calvin. "Lexile Ratings Catch On." Publishers Weekly 6 Sep 2004: 8.