INTRODUCTIONS Please be prepared to share the following with our team: Name Division Role – brief description of what you do What comes to mind when you hear either differentiation or 21 st century skills?
GROUP NORMS Participate Collaborate Expect to be supported Ask for what we need With what do we agree? What needs to be adjusted?
SI 2013 – PLANS (STILL) UNDERWAY! “Summer Institute is not about just [curriculum] content, rather the work of the agency” FOCUS: Building Leadership Capacity to Change Teacher Practice and Change Student Outcomes We are thinking differently about the overall structure Choice LEA/Charter School involvement More facilitation, less direct training Integrated content – topic-based Greater integration of technology
MISSION This year’s Summer Institute will build on the knowledge and skills learned from previous Institutes with a focus on building district- and school-level leadership capacity to improve teacher practice and student outcomes. To accomplish this, the collective agency will provide a hands- on, highly engaging, two-day professional development experience that supports the transition to the new NC Standard Course of Study, the North Carolina Educator Evaluation System (NCEES), the State Accountability System, with an emphasis on Data Literacy. NCDPI will also feature an introduction to Home Base, NC’s statewide instructional improvement (IIS) and student information system (SIS) for teachers, students, parents, and administrators. VISION NCDPI will collaborate with district and school leaders through cross-agency design teams to facilitate group discussions, model best practices and intentionally make connections to each of the state initiatives utilizing technology and collaborative processes. GOALS Facilitate collaboration and district planning between LEAs/Charter Schools to ensure statewide success Build interdependence among the LEAs and Schools within a region and across the state Model the alignment and interconnectedness of the collective work of the agency so districts can make the same connections locally MISSION, VISION AND GOALS OF SUMMER INSTITUTE 2013 DRAFT
LOCATIONS DATEREGIONLOCATIONDATEREGIONLOCATION July 8-9 Region 2 Greenville Convention Center Greenville July 8-9 Region 6 Hilton Charlotte University Hotel Charlotte July Region 1 July Region 8 July Region 4 Sheraton Imperial Convention Center Durham July Region 5 Koury Convention Center Greensboro July Region 3 July Region 7 EASTWEST
SITE ASSIGNMENTS EastWest July 8-9 GreenvilleJulie Malcolm Kathy Parker July 8-9 CharlotteJessica Garner Heather Mullins July GreenvilleJulie Malcolm Kathy Parker July CharlotteJessica Garner Heather Mullins July DurhamJulie Malcolm Kathy Parker Delores Ali July GreensboroJessica Garner Heather Mullins John Pruette July DurhamJulie Malcolm Kathy Parker July GreensboroJessica Garner Heather Mullins John Pruette
2-DAY SCHEDULE Day One 9:00-12:00“Design Studios” 3-hour sessions 12:00-1:00 CATERED LUNCH 1:00-4:301:00-2:30“Remodeling” Sessions (Standards-Based Sessions) 90-minute sessions 3:00-4:30“Remodeling” Sessions (Topic-Based Topics) 90-minute sessions SMALL GROUP Sessions (Job-Alike/Role-Alike) 90-minute sessions SMALL GROUP Sessions (Job-Alike/Role-Alike) 90-minute sessions Day Two 9:00-12:00“Design Studios” 3-hour sessions 12:00-1:00 CATERED LUNCH 1:00-4:00Facilitated Team Time and Closing Celebration 3-hour session
“DESIGN STUDIOS” AND “REMODELING SESSIONS” – TOPICS “Design Studios” (3-hour sessions) “Remodeling Sessions” (90-minute sessions) Assessment and Accountability*Curriculum-Based Sessions (all content area standards) Building Instructional Improvement through Data Literacy Inter-Rater Reliability Building Instructional CapacityLeaders with Leaders Building Professional Development CapacityNCEES Online System Career and College ReadinessNC Read to Achieve Connecting to Serve All StudentsPD to Ensure Improved Outcomes Home BaseRtI and the New Standards NCEES P21 Framework TPACK Toolkit Student Growth Portfolio Quality Rubrics
ASSUMPTIONS You (and/or members of your teams) are the expert in the content you are designing You know what you need to move this work forward You will lead your team to accomplish the work You will take advantage of the support provided You will advocate for what you need to be successful
SOME GUIDING PRINCIPLES We are working to Change Teacher Practice in order to Change Student Outcomes. Content for all sessions will be housed on one wikispace. Pre-work for participants is strongly encouraged. Common Themes throughout all sessions: Home Base, Standards 1-6, DuFour questions, Universal Design for Learning, Guskey’s model of evaluating PD, online modules Objectives for each session are critical. Clearly defining what the participant will learn and experience is extremely important. Therefore, fine tuning the title of a session is an option, but leadership will have to approve any proposed adjustments.
HOME BASE Home Base must be woven into every session (although there is one Design Studio dedicated to Home Base). Assessment Lesson Planning Resources Professional Development Educator Evaluation Report building Student Information
FACILITATED TEAM TIME Please allot time at the end of your sessions (both design and remodeling) for participants to reflect on your session. FTT will design the input mode and give to us soon. Please develop a section on your wiki page of top 3 resources. FTT will use this to build a piece for their afternoon session.
DESIGN STUDIO SESSIONS (3 HOURS) Sessions showcase broad initiatives Participants Pre-Loaded for focused work Inform with the wiki Flip Activities Participants reflect and collaborate within and across LEAs/Charters Participants engage in active learning focused on the topic Read Write Listen Speak Participants plan and strategize for carrying information back to the LEA/Charter Participants provide feedback on the session
SESSION PLANNING What is important for participants to know and be able to do? How will you engage them in the learning? Craft a brief description of the session. What materials and resources will you need? What roles will your team members play?
IMPORTANT DATES March 11-13: Orientation to Home Base March 15: Supply order due to Kristin March 22 :Descriptions on wiki page By March 25: Webinar Series for Summer Institute teams By April 1: Registration opens for Summer Institutes 2013 By April 12: Session content due April 15: Submit final list of trainers April 15-May 3 : Vetting Sessions for Team April 22: LEA pre-work assignments posted to wiki By April 26: Summer Institutes Wikispaces available to Summer Institute teams By April 30: Registration Window closes for Summer Institutes 2013 April 30: Design Teams sharing meeting By May 1: Home Base Demo available to Summer Institute teams May 10: Final supply list request By June 14: All changes and updates to Summer Institute teams due June 24-28: Trainers workshop, dress rehearsal July 8-July 18: Summer Institutes 2013
WHERE STUFF WILL LIVE Link to NCDPI Summer Institutes 2013 Page: es/2013/ es/2013/ Link to Summer Institutes 2013 Wikispaces (for LEA Teams): Link to Summer Institutes 2013 Wikispaces (for Design Teams/DPI only): Check out other team pages to see how they are posting things
JOIN THE WIKI Go to: Request Membership Ask your team members to do the same