Homerswood Primary School Year 1 to 4 Maths Parent Workshop Thursday 6 th March 2014
Aims To explain how we teach your child to add and subtract. To give you some ideas of how you can help and support your child at home.
Addition Vocabulary together more than plus add total and sum
Addition Adding practically =5
Addition = 10 Encourage children to put the biggest number in their head and count on. 6
Addition Use of number line to count on =
Place Value Tens and Units Recognizing the value of each digit in 2 or more digit numbers.
This is a ten stick. It is made up of 10 units, or ones, stuck together. This is a unit. It is one square on its own.
What number is this? We have made ten 3 units
What number is this? We have made 40 4 tens 0 units
Addition using place value on a number square = ? Find 35 on the number square. Partition 26 = 2 tens + 6 Move down – Add 6 more.
Addition by partitioning = (Partition the smallest number into 10s and 1s) = 49 (Add the units onto the number) = 79 (Add the tens onto get the final answer)
Using an empty number line So we start at the biggest number…47 So… = =
Have a go together = (40 + 4) 12985
So what is = 23 So… = = 57
Number bonds to 10/20/ = = = = = = = = = = = 10
Addition using tens and units It is vital that children understand the value of each digit for column addition. Partitioning
Level 3: Partitioned vertical method: = 55 Level 4: Standard vertical method: with carrying with carrying
Subtraction Vocabulary difference between subtract fewer minus take from less than take away
4 – 2 = Taking away practically Subtraction
30 – 5 =25 Use of a 100 square to take away =23
10 – 5 =5 Use of a number line
43 – 27 = = Subtraction using a blank number line (counting on)
54 – 32 = = Have a go together
Subtraction using a blank number line Counting Back 67 – 23 = 44 Partition first, then count back
Column Subtraction
How you can support your child Look for and talk about numbers in the environment Play games Shopping Counting on/back Number bonds Doubles/Halves Time tables Division facts
Thank you for coming & any questions?