Math-Science Learning Center Durham Science Center 107
Mission To increase student learning achievement in Math and Science to foster sustained learning and to advance the academic community in Math and Science most interested in student success. The MSLC strives to aid the entire spectrum of UNO students.
Student Centered drop-In Tutoring facilitated Study Groups meeting alcoves study/tutoring space tutorial computers reserve study materials
Center Usage Daytime and evening hours ~1300 student-visits per week ~30 undergraduate student tutors Collectively work ~200 hours/week Summer ~500 student-visits per week
Peer Tutoring Hours Drop-in Mon-Thurs 8:30-5:30 Friday 8:30-noon All 1000 & 2000 courses in Bio, Chem, Math and Physics Geology by appointment only Tues, Thurs, Sun evenings 7-10 pm Library 119 FREE No appointment necessary
Facilitated Study Groups Lead by a peer facilitator who has taken the course successfully Emphasizes students teaching and learning from each other Most 1000 & 2000 level Math & Science courses Members are asked to attend regularly and participate actively Small groups up to 10 students Meet weekly for one hour
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