Huntly Flood Alleviation Scheme Presentation for tonight: Brief re-cap of previous findings What we have done since last meeting The next steps Interim emergency arrangements
Huntly Flood Alleviation Scheme Initial study by Halcrow Group concluded 1:100 year flood event in 2009 Flooding caused by overtopping of River Deveron banks at Milton Excess water diverted to Meadow Burn Capacity of Meadow Burn embankments and 4 culverts unable to cope Aberdeenshire Council approved development of scheme in principle in May 2010 and instructed investigation of funding options
Huntly Flood Alleviation Scheme What we have done since last meeting: Appointed Atkins to take scheme forward Examined Halcrows recommendations in more detail Reviewed and refined flood modelling- discussed and agreed methodology and results with SEPA Now believe 2009 storm return period significantly less than 1:100 year event Examined effects of different flood return periods Confirmed more frequent smaller scale flooding could result from overland flows from Ittingstone Burn exceeding capacity of structures in Meadows Saw that in December- culverts under all-weather pitch backed up
Huntly Flood Alleviation Scheme What we have done since last meeting: Undertaken geomorphological study to ensure that any adverse impacts on WFD status of river will be avoided Geomorphology is the study of landforms and processes that shape them- here, the effects of river sediment movement Status is a measure of ecological/environmental quality of river Resulted in preference to set back river defences to avoid bank erosion Undertaken preliminary site investigation to determine nature and permeability of underlying ground and quality of existing embankment materials Examined different technical solutions
Huntly Flood Alleviation Scheme What we have done since last meeting: Undertaken preliminary consultations, identified and considered environmental constraints Key ones being badger sett and historic Huntly Castle Established utility service locations Arrived at modified preferred solution Checked proposals against requirements of the Reservoirs Act This considers the dam effect of impounding water above a certain volume
Huntly Flood Alleviation Scheme What we have done since last meeting: Completed an economic appraisal or cost benefit analysis For justification must demonstrate that value of damages prevented is more than the cost of the scheme In this case ratio of benefit:cost is 1.1 Held initial discussions with landowners Secured approval from Policy and Resources Committee on 21 April to implement scheme Preliminary cost of scheme £2.9m Timescale- April 2012 at very earliest So what does scheme now entail?
Huntly Flood Alleviation Scheme Revised proposals Reposition bund at Milton away from water edge Easier to construct but greater impact on farm land Construct low bund to east of Gibston Bridge Heighten/strengthen bunds along north & west sides of Meadow Estate Extend bund across Meadow Burn at entrance to estate and regulate flow to capacity of culverts downstream Will result in water being stored in field immediately upstream Construct low bunds to prevent backflows into caravan site Replace small culvert with footbridge Install enlarged/extended culvert with flap valve and low bunding at Ittingstone
Huntly Flood Alleviation Scheme The Next Steps Develop design to detailed stage Undertake formal consultations Obtain Statutory approvals including Planning permission or Flood Order Obtain CAR licence if necessary Commence land negotiations Could result in CPO if agreements or compromises not possible Prepare contract documentation/invite tenders Continue discussions regarding possible funding contributions Grampian Housing Association & Transport Scotland Construction start date will largely depend on level of objections and/or difficulties with land negotiations
Huntly Flood Alleviation Scheme Interim emergency arrangements Installation 2 pairs 10’x10’ storage containers One to west Pine View One close to junction Riverside Drive and Rowan Avenue Planning permission required Stocked with sandbags for self help Responsible key holders to be identified Grampian Housing have own arrangements Onus remains on property owners to be prepared