Learning How to Learn Through Effective Classroom Assessment Principal’s Meeting January 13, 2011
Learning in school The analogy that might make the student’s view more comprehensible to adults is to imagine oneself on a ship sailing across an unknown sea, to an unknown destination. An adult would be desperate to know where he [sic] is going. But a child only knows he is going to school...The chart is neither available nor understandable to him... Very quickly, the daily life on board ship becomes all important... The daily chores, the demands, the inspections, become the reality, not the voyage, nor the destination. (Mary Alice White, 1971)
Learners Learners need to know: where they are in their learning where they are going how to get there This can be achieved through effective classroom assessment practices.
Session Goals – Check In To highlight effective classroom assessment practices To heighten awareness of using reflective questioning as an effective strategy to support learning
Self Reflection “Assessment Exhibit” Using the “assessment exhibit” recording sheet on your table: Create the exhibit by representing what classroom assessment currently looks like in your school.
Template – scan picture Assessment
Self Reflection “Assessment Exhibit” Using your completed “assessment exhibit”: Identify one thing in your exhibit you would like to focus on at your school site.
“Change only happens all at once if you’re in the Witness Protection Program.” Martha Beck
“Dot-mocracy” Effective classroom assessment is: o coaching o fair o focused on learning o based on a variety of strategies o systematic and ongoing
“Dot-mocracy” Effective classroom assessment is: o coaching: slides o fair: slides o focused on learning: slides o based on a variety of strategies: slides o systematic and ongoing: slides
Effective Classroom Assessment is …. Coaching
Effective classroom assessment is COACHING. What does this mean to you? What does it look/sound/feel like in the classroom?
Effective classroom assessment is COACHING. Video clip: Conferring with Austin
Effective classroom assessment is COACHING. Context: From several classroom visits, you have noticed that teacher Blue has not taken a coaching role in his/her assessment practices. Brainstorm some reflective questions you might use to engage teacher Blue in conversation about his/her assessment practices.
Check In Good assessment practice resembles coaching because: A. The teacher tells the students what they need to know. B. The teacher asks questions that engage students in their learning. C. The teacher frequently lets the math and literacy coaches teach the class.
Teachers ask questions of students because they need to: make good instructional decisions about what to do next with their students or engage students in the kind of thinking that causes everyone to learn.” Black et al (2003) “Questions that promote learning are asked for one of two purposes.
Effective Classroom Assessment is …. FAIR
Effective classroom assessment is FAIR. What does this mean to you? What does it look/sound/feel like in the classroom?
Effective classroom assessment is FAIR. Video clip: Assessing Anchor Samples Co-Constructing Criteria
Effective classroom assessment is FAIR. Context: Some students have recently complained that teacher Purple’s assessment practices are unfair. Brainstorm some reflective questions you might use to engage in conversation about fair assessment practices.
Check In Good assessment practices are fair when: A) The lowest test mark is not counted. B) Students know what is expected before a task and have examples of what good work looks like. C. Students get to collaborate on their assignments.
Effective Classroom Assessment is …. Focused on Learning
Effective classroom assessment is FOCUSED ON LEARNING. What does this mean to you? What does it look/sound/feel like in the classroom?
Effective classroom assessment is FOCUSED ON LEARNING. Video clip: Probability Learning Stations
Effective classroom assessment is FOCUSED ON LEARNING. Context: Through conversations with students during visits to teacher Green’s class, it is seems students are unable to speak to where they are in their learning. Brainstorm some reflective questions you might use to engage teacher Green in conversation about his/her assessment practices.
Check In Assessment is focused on learning when: 1. students know where they are and where they need to go next in their learning 2. teachers mark everything a student does. 3. students are completing ALL of their assigned work and are passing it in on time.
Effective Classroom Assessment is …. Based on a Variety of Strategies
Effective classroom assessment is BASED on a VARIETY of STRATEGIES. What does this mean to you? What does it look/sound/feel like in the classroom?
Effective classroom assessment is BASED on a VARIETY of STRATEGIES. Video clip: Math Learning Stations
Effective classroom assessment is BASED on a VARIETY of STRATEGIES. Context: During a conference to discuss student progress with teacher Gray, you notice that the assessment information has been primarily gathered using the same method. Brainstorm some reflective questions you might use to engage teacher Gray in conversation about his/her assessment practices.
Check In Using a plate and marker or a show of fingers, indicate how many different assessment strategies you have observed this year during classroom visits/walk-throughs.
Effective Classroom Assessment is …. Systematic and Ongoing
Effective classroom assessment is Systematic and Ongoing. What does this mean to you? What does it look/sound/feel like in the classroom?
Effective classroom assessment is Systematic and Ongoing. Video clip: The Writing Workshop Series Grades 4-9, Assessment & Instruction Learning Resources and Technology, NS DOE
Effective classroom assessment is Systematic and Ongoing. Context: During a program planning meeting a teacher shares specific anecdotal comments about a student’s progress. It becomes evident during the meeting that the teacher knows the student well but keeps few records/evidence to document the student’s progress over time. Brainstorm some reflective questions you might use to engage this teacher in conversation about recording and documenting evidence of student progress.
Check In Using your red, yellow, green cards…. To what degree is classroom assessment systematic and ongoing in your school?
Resources A list of resources used in this presentation will be ed to you. Additional resources related to assessment are on display in the lobby for your perusal.
Session Goals – Check In To highlight effective classroom assessment practices To heighten awareness of using reflective questioning as an effective strategy to support learning
Check In Refer back to your assessment exhibit to complete your exit card Knowing your students H-Q7-DuJE H-Q7-DuJE