© Personal Pronoun. P Very clever persuasive technique. Uses words such as WE, YOU, US, and THEY to strengthen, befriend, unite and separate. I’m gonna beat you up – We are gonna beat you up! You can do this – We will help you. Have faith in us together we will succeed. Those that aren’t here will miss out. They will fail!
© ALLITERATION A Words beginning with the same sounds. Slippery slimy slug Don’t forget to mention if it hardens or softens a word. Remember to talk about how it impacts upon the audience.
© Facts F Facts are something which can be checked out… Look for phrases like… We know…It has been proved… Research has shown… Check for statistics… 8 out of 10 cats… 66% of people asked. Look out also for experts being quoted… If a doctor who has researched for years says it is… is it a fact?
© Opinion O What is the difference between fact and opinion? What is the purpose of the article/piece? Look out for phrases such as… I believe… This may mean… It can be argued that… Experts have said that…
© Repetition / Reiteration / Rhetorical question. R REPETITION - Is something repeated? REITERATION – Is an idea repeated but in a different way? RHETORICAL QUESTION – a question that the audience cannot reply to but makes you think the answer. Why is it when you phone the wrong number it’s never engaged?
© Emotive language / Exaggeration (Hyperbole) E When you read the words can you hear passion? Anger? Frustration? Desperation? Has the writer gone over the top to get their message across? I beg you to listen and remember P in AFOREST you need to pass this exam it’s a matter of life and death!
© Statistics / Similes S Does the writer use numbers to back up their views? Do they use similes to heighten description and add to persuasion? 96% of students who don’t use P in AFOREST fail the exam and cry like irritating little babies! (boo hoo hoo)!
© Triadic structure or Triples. T Look out for sentences that use three adjectives such as _____, ______, and ______. Students who don’t use P in AFOREST, fail, get upset and then they cry! This also works with sentences… Vote for me because I care. Vote for me because I’m the best. Vote for me and I’ll never let you down.
© Using words or phrases that are familiar or stick in the mind. Catchy Words or Phrases Adds colour to the writing/speech by using words that sound the same or similar.Alliteration Saying the same word or phrase more than once for emphasis. Repetition Makes the writing/speech more colourful by comparing something to something else. Similes Using words like ‘I urge’ or ‘I demand’ for emphasis.Forceful Phrases Being over-the-top to get a point across.Exaggeration/Hyperbole Three phrases or describing words used to emphasise a point. Triadic Structure (clusters of three) Speaking to the reader in a friendly way.Chatty Style Questions that don’t require an answer.Rhetorical Questions Using words like ‘we’, ‘us’, and ‘you’ to make the writing more appealing. Personal Pronouns Definition.Persuasive Technique.
© Dear Friends, We’ve have been through so much together on this show, I urge you not to vote me off at this stage. If I go, who will do the cooking? I’ve shown the others a million times how to cook the rice and still it turns out gritty, lumpy and horrid! I know I can be a grumpy grouch sometimes, and I know that I’ve wandered round the camp like a bear with a sore head, but you have to admit, I can also be a funny fella! I demand, I urge, I ask that you give me one more day in this crazy camp!! I’d like you to vote for me, I’d like you to vote for me because I deserve to be here. You know it makes sense!! The Speech
© You know it makes sense!!Catchy Words or Phrases grumpy grouch funny fella! crazy camp!! Alliteration I’d like you to vote for me, I’d like you to vote for me because I deserve to be here. Repetition I’ve wandered round the camp like a bear with a sore head, Similes I urge you not to vote me off I demand, I urge, I ask I’d like you to vote for me, Forceful Phrases I’ve shown the others a million times how to cook the rice Exaggeration/Hyperbole gritty, lumpy and horrid! I demand, I urge, I ask Triadic Structure (clusters of three) Dear friends, You know it makes sense!!Chatty Style If I go, who will do the cooking?Rhetorical Questions We’ve have been through so much together, I’d like you to vote for me, Personal Pronoun Example.Persuasive Technique.