Green Governors: A governor’s perspective Stephen Benton Chair of Governors Ernest Bevin College, SW17
A bit about Ernest Bevin College Comprehensive school of 1100 pupils Boys in main school but boys and girls in 6 th Form Specialist sports and maths/computing college Newly opened sports facility including swimming pool, double dojo Best exam results of the state schools in Wandsworth in 2009
What it means to be “green” Not just an add on; has to be part of everyday life Not just about environmental issues It’s about lifestyle; health; economics; citizenship
Some things we are doing at EBC School travel plan since 2007; refreshed in 2009 – fully supported by Governors Travel surveys and action plan First English secondary school to have Healthy Schools status Annual Healthy Schools Fair Inputting into Building Schools for the Future proposals for rebuild of part of school – more energy/water efficient buildings; ideas for a garden/growing area
School travel plan 2007 STP Objectives: 1)Make Glenburnie Road entrance safer 2)Encourage more staff and pupils to cycle to college 3)Heighten pupils’ awareness of health and environmental benefits of walking and cycling to college
EBC Activites Poster competitions – including one with bike as prize in Summer 2009 Cycle to school days Promote walking and cycling to year 7 & 8 using assemblies and Bevin newsletter Year 11 GCSE coursework More bike racks New security cameras on bike rack areas Healthy Schools fair – every July
Travel pattern surveys:
Travel patterns: Decrease in walking and car use; Increase in bus use and cycling; When looking at preference, increase in cycling and car share Students preferred % would increase if security of cycles were improved
School travel plan 2009 objectives 1)Increase students’ knowledge on travel to school and help them become more independent travellers 2)Improve health of students and staff through encouraging walking and cycling 3)Increase student’s awareness of the environmental benefits of walking and cycling
New travel plan targets Increase road safety education to cover 100% of students by May 2010 Build cycle storage for 20 extra bikes by May 2010 Give cycle training to 40 students by May 2010 Increase proportion of students cycling from 2% to 4% by May 2010
What we haven’t done and perhaps should have! Missed the opportunity to get sustainbility principles into design of the new sports and 6 th form block – but we will try in relation to BSF developments Not yet addressed the use of energy and other resources in the college in a systematic way – but we will now if for no other reason than to cut the bills!
What Governors can do Ask questions; get it on the agenda Encourage action and try and ensure that this is not just an “add on”. It has to be woven into everyday life at school If you can, help out at events Finally ask for feedback on how things are going and celebrate success