Student Recovery Day 2013 Initiated by former Superintendent Cortines and Board Member, Steve Zimmer. Supported by Dr. Deasy, Senior Deputy Superintendent of School Operations Michelle King and entire School Board.
SRD Purpose R R e-engage students/families by providing resources and support to youth as they transition back into school E E ducate the community about compulsory education laws and the impact of chronic absenteeism A A ssist schools with recovering out of school youth with the ultimate goal of decreasing the dropout rate C C reate a sense of ownership in bringing students back to school H H eighten district/community awareness of the number of students that have left our schools
SRD Target Population Potential Dropout Lists Current Semester No-Show List Chronic Absences
SRD Total Results 3082 Volunteers 13,067 Phone Calls 8542 Home Visits 4049 Students Recovered 2622 Businesses Visited
Cohort Graduation Rates School YearRate