First mentoring program for entrepreneurs in Latvia
Association Lidere Women entrepreneurs and leaders’ Association Lidere was founded in February 3, 2003 with the aim: - to promote mentoring in Latvia; - support women entrepreneurs in Latvia; - heighten women density in the foundation of new companies and in the creation of new workplaces; - provide access to the information and the possibility of getting advises
Ground work on implementation of mentoring in Latvia in January 18-19, 2004: representatives of Lidere visited Women’s Enterprise Agency in April, 2004: published first bulletin “Lidere” and organised conference “Let’s Exchange experience” for Latvian business women with the aim to explain and give experience of other countries regarding mentoring.
Ground work on implementation of mentoring in Latvia Organised informative meetings with regional women in July 10, 2004: seminar “Would you wish and could you be a mentor”. Lecturer Ritva Nyberg, managing director of Women’s Enterprise Agency In March 3, 2005: presentation of book “Many Faces of Mentoring” in Latvian and Russian by Tuulikki Juusela, Tuula Lillia and Jari Rinne
Starting implementation of mentoring in Latvia In January 28, 2005: Association Lidere and Women’s Enterprise Agency signed agreement on implementing first mentoring program for entrepreneurs in Latvia according to the methodology worked out by Women’s Enterprise Agency. Project is supported by the Ministry of Economics of Latvia. LR Ekonomikas ministrija
Implementation of mentoring in Latvia In February, 2005: trained co-ordinators of the program March 19, 2005: start-up seminar for first 12 pairs In project there is partnership with two regional organisation from Rezekne and Jelgava LR Ekonomikas ministrija
First mentoring group in Latvia RIGA 4 PAIRS REZEKNE 2 PAIRS JELGAVA 6 PAIRS LR Ekonomikas ministrija
First mentoring group in Latvia LR Ekonomikas ministrija
First mentoring group in Latvia LR Ekonomikas ministrija
First mentoring group in Latvia During program mentees want: to find encouragement; to receive new experience, ideas, advice; to broaden contact network; to develop entrepreneurial skills LR Ekonomikas ministrija
First mentoring group in Latvia Mainly mentees want to develop skills regarding: marketing strategies; enchaining finances (seed-money), finance management; enchaining customers; development and working with personnel. LR Ekonomikas ministrija
First mentoring group in Latvia LR Ekonomikas ministrija