Innovative Program for STEM Workforce Preparation A ground breaking new path - An example of CSR investment by the pharmaceutical industry in education Developed for American High Schools, adaptable for international implementation Educational model with unlimited possibilities for adaptation to different areas of applied R&D
Provides students with an understanding of how STEM is applied in the making of new medicines through intense research and development. Project Description Integrates biology, chemistry, mathematics, social sciences and language-arts Integrates biology, chemistry, mathematics, social sciences and language-arts Breaks down barriers between subject areas Breaks down barriers between subject areas Adaptable to educational regional standards and objectives Adaptable to educational regional standards and objectives Focuses on development of skills in problem identification, analysis, critical thinking, resource planning and decision making, all within a framework of team work Focuses on development of skills in problem identification, analysis, critical thinking, resource planning and decision making, all within a framework of team work Builds understanding of R&D principles and processes and prepares for knowledge transfer from school to work.
Pharmaceutical R&D High School Research and Development IDEA HEALTHCARE MARKETPLACE 10:th-12:th Grade Chemistry Biology Mathematics Social Studies/ Health Care Policy Language-Arts/ Communication INTEGRATED LEARNING AND SKILL DEVELOPMENT Concept Transfer: Business to School Resource mgmt; Finance Market research and planning Medicine & Science Theory and Practice Mathematical modeling, Data handling & statistics Strategic planning Ethical considerations PROBLEM SOLVING ANALYSIS CRITICAL THINKING DECISION MAKING COLLABORATION WITHIN & BETWEEN EXPERT TEAMS
Phase 1 - Components: Condensed program to teach elementary theory and practice of pharmaceutical R&D with “deep dives” in biology, chemistry, ethics and practical reality-based case examples Condensed program to teach elementary theory and practice of pharmaceutical R&D with “deep dives” in biology, chemistry, ethics and practical reality-based case examples Sequence of eleven subject area lessons centered on inquiry Sequence of eleven subject area lessons centered on inquiry Laboratory experimentation Laboratory experimentation Rich – and growing roster of supplemental subject lessons (Clinical trial design, statistical data analysis, mathematical modeling of [pharmacodynamics and –kinetics, vaccine and biologics development, etc.) Rich – and growing roster of supplemental subject lessons (Clinical trial design, statistical data analysis, mathematical modeling of [pharmacodynamics and –kinetics, vaccine and biologics development, etc.) Teacher professional development (Summer Institute) Teacher professional development (Summer Institute) Active participation of pharmaceutical scientists Active participation of pharmaceutical scientists Independent evaluation Independent evaluation Project Description
Lesson 1 Introduction Diseases and Their Impact Lesson 2 Discovery Targets and Magic Bullets Lesson 3 Discovery Screening for Solutions Lesson 4 Discovery The Power of Molecules Lesson 5 Preclin. Development Chromatography Separation Lesson 6 Preclin. DevelopmentSelecting the Best Molecule Lesson 7 Clinical R&D IND and Phase I Lesson 8 Clinical R&D Phase II Lesson 9 Clinical R&D Phase III and NDA Lesson 10 Commercialization Exploring the Business of Science and Medicine Lesson 11 Marketing Where Business & Science Overlap Course Overview
Broadens understanding of the pharmaceutical R&D process Developing a new medicine can take more than 12 years, costs $1+ billion Developing a new medicine can take more than 12 years, costs $1+ billion R&D is complex, involves many steps, many potential obstacles and decision points R&D is complex, involves many steps, many potential obstacles and decision points High risk investment – High benefit for human health High risk investment – High benefit for human health Costs must be recouped to invest in next life-saving or life-enhancing drug Costs must be recouped to invest in next life-saving or life-enhancing drug Safe and effective medicines reduce overall healthcare costs Safe and effective medicines reduce overall healthcare costs Government regulation assures quality control Government regulation assures quality control Pharmaceutical R&D Key facts
Program Lead: PhRMA & NSRC Steering Committee: PhRMA members: Bristol-Myers Squibb PhRMA members: Bristol-Myers SquibbGlaxoSmithKline Johnson &Johnson NovartisSchering-PloughRocheWyeth Twenty-one Schools in Twelve SDs in NJ, NY, MA, PA and IA Twenty-one Schools in Twelve SDs in NJ, NY, MA, PA and IA NJ Department of Education NJ Department of Education Healthcare Institute of New Jersey Healthcare Institute of New Jersey Biological Sciences Curriculum Study (evaluation) Biological Sciences Curriculum Study (evaluation) Museum of Contemporary Science Museum of Contemporary Science Project Team
Summer Institute 2007 Five-day Teacher Training event, hosted by BMS and Montgomery School District Five-day Teacher Training event, hosted by BMS and Montgomery School District –Opening Day with Dinner Keynote by Sally Shuler, NSRC –Master Class Institute at Montgomery HS –Pharmaceutical Roundtable with partner company representation –District implementation plans logged in –Laboratory kits distributed to all participant schools –Teacher stipends paid by partner companies Nineteen teams participated with 59 teachers Nineteen teams participated with 59 teachers Five pharmaceutical companies, DoEd, HINJ Five pharmaceutical companies, DoEd, HINJ Press availability and favorable media coverage Press availability and favorable media coverage Phase I Conclusion
Evaluation As a result of participating in the Summer Institute… Teachers have a significantly better understanding of Teachers have a significantly better understanding of the extent, and complexity of pharmaceutical R&D, the extent, and complexity of pharmaceutical R&D, the social and economical issues faced by the industry, and the social and economical issues faced by the industry, and career opportunities for qualified talent career opportunities for qualified talent Teachers have a significantly stronger familiarity with the R x eSEARCH curriculum, Teachers have a significantly stronger familiarity with the R x eSEARCH curriculum, how it connects to and reflects the R&D process, and how it connects to and reflects the R&D process, and the advantage it offers to inter-disciplinary teaching and learning of applied STEM the advantage it offers to inter-disciplinary teaching and learning of applied STEM Teachers are confident that they can implement R x eSEARCH in their schools, and believe that the curriculum will positively influence student learning Teachers are confident that they can implement R x eSEARCH in their schools, and believe that the curriculum will positively influence student learning 2007 Summer Institute
SOCIETY/GENERAL PUBLIC Provide a new model for demonstrating relevance of STEM* to students’ lives Prepare students for 21 st century jobs Strengthen the high-school experience to make it globally competitive through applied learning PRIVATE SECTOR Broaden understanding of the R&D process. Provide facts about the quest for new leads to make better medicines Create student interest & readiness for industry careers Demonstrate corporate social responsibility Strengthen relationship with grassroots community PUBLIC EDUCATION SECTOR Broaden understanding of the scientific enterprise and its real-world applications Heighten motivation for further study of STEM* Provide deep understanding and mastery of content Develop authentic, in depth skills in problem-solving, analysis and critical thinking through integrated learning * STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics Outcomes Objectives Key Stakeholders