The Roles of the Media in Sport… Mr. P. Leighton Contemporary Sporting Issues Socio-Cultural Studies.
Today’s Session…
So what does the Media do? Sport is a central feature of TV, Radio, newspapers and magazines, internet, books, films and videos… Sport is a central feature of TV, Radio, newspapers and magazines, internet, books, films and videos… Sport is covered in news bulletins, TV Quizzes, Documentaries, live and PPV events and newspaper articles to name but a few… Sport is covered in news bulletins, TV Quizzes, Documentaries, live and PPV events and newspaper articles to name but a few… But what is the main job of the media? But what is the main job of the media?
The media has 4 roles… To Inform… To Inform… To Educate… To Educate… To Entertain... To Entertain... To Advertise… To Advertise…
To Inform… To tell, notify us or let us know about sport. To tell, notify us or let us know about sport. Live coverage, factual information, rules, replays, results. Live coverage, factual information, rules, replays, results. These are interesting to us as spectators as it gives us that bit more information about our favourite teams/performers. These are interesting to us as spectators as it gives us that bit more information about our favourite teams/performers. Does anybody miss teletext? Does anybody miss teletext?
To Educate… To teach! To teach! Documentaries like Trans World Sport teach us about global sport. Documentaries like Trans World Sport teach us about global sport. The media can also be used to coach the public on techniques, skills etc i.e. the internet. The media can also be used to coach the public on techniques, skills etc i.e. the internet. Ethics and fair play can also be re-enforced through the media. Ethics and fair play can also be re-enforced through the media. Watch the clip… what do you learn? Watch the clip… what do you learn?
To Entertain… Has sport become too entertaining? Has sport become too entertaining? Many teams have hugely committed fan bases, Facebook groups, followers on Twitter. Many teams have hugely committed fan bases, Facebook groups, followers on Twitter. “Hello” and “OK” magazine does a roaring trade in Footballers/Sports stars weddings… why? “Hello” and “OK” magazine does a roaring trade in Footballers/Sports stars weddings… why? Entertainment brings business as well- where is most sport watched these days? Entertainment brings business as well- where is most sport watched these days? Where did you see Johnny Wilkinson win the World Cup in 2003? Where did you see Johnny Wilkinson win the World Cup in 2003? Do you play FIFA/PES/NFL? Do you play FIFA/PES/NFL?
To Advertise… Promote or publicise. Promote or publicise. Sport is used to directly advertise products (cars, phones, beer, sports goods etc) Sport is used to directly advertise products (cars, phones, beer, sports goods etc) Companies sponsor individuals, teams, leagues and events to heighten corporate awareness. Companies sponsor individuals, teams, leagues and events to heighten corporate awareness. Other networks/channels use this cash to fund itself- unlike the BBC. Other networks/channels use this cash to fund itself- unlike the BBC.
Key terms from today?