U.S History 30-2 U.S Involvement and escalation
Many people supported Lyndon Johnsons determination to contain communism in Vietnam. Soldiers were Sent to Southeast Asia to stop a rebellion that was communism-inspired. Actually 24% did not agree with Johnson. 61% did and 15% was not sure if the did or didn’t. The decision to escalate
Soldiers opinions 61% agreed to the reason they should go 24% don’t agree 15% are not decided Chart
Warriors in Vietnam The troop buildup accelerates By the end of 1965 the U.S government had sent more than 180,000 Americans to Vietnam. General William Westmoreland in South Vietnam still requested more troops.
A war in the jungle The whole united States entered the war in Vietnam believing there superior weaponry would lead it to victory. However the terrain and the enemy’s tactics soon turned the war Secretly in and out of the general population, the Vietcong destroyed the notion of a frontline by attacking U.S troops in both city and country side. Vietnam terrain
Pr test Many people protested the war in Vietnam. These marches may even have over a thousand people in them. Many marched, used signs, and even sang songs. Symbol
A frustrating war of attrition There strategy of beating the Vietcong was to destroy there moral through a war of attrition. However the Vietcong had no attention of quitting there fight.
The battle for hearts and minds Another key strategy of the U.S was to keep the Vietcong from winning the South Vietnams rural population. To expose the hideouts of the Vietcing the U.S dropped Napalm and Agent Orange U.S soldiers conducted search-and-destroy missions.
Vocabulary Napalm- a gasoline based bomb that set fire to the jungle. Agent Orange- a leaf killing toxic. Search and destroy- uprooting villagers with suspected ties to the Vietcong. Images of these three.
Sinking Moral The frustration of guerrilla warfare, the brutal jungle conditions and the failure to make substantial headway against the enemy took a toll on the U.S troops fighting spirit. Many dropped dead by the conditions and alcohol. Luckily some were fighting courageously to take up the toll.
The early war at home Johnsons administration thought the war would end quickly. When it dragged on, public support began to waver and Johnsons domestic programs began to unravel. 1 st - hopes were high of ending war 2 nd - when it dragged on many lost hope. 3 rd -many dropped dead and turned to alcohol. 4 th - conditions were tough and many really suffered.
The great society suffers! As the number of U.S troops in Vietnam continue to mount, the war became more costly. As a result, the nations economy began to suffer. The inflation rate, which remained at 2% percent through most of the early 1960s, nearly tripled by Johnson
The living room war 1) by 1967, a majority of Americans still supported the war. 2) However, cracks were beginning to show. 3)The media, mainly television, helped heighten the nations growing concern about the war. 4)Vietnam was Americas first ‘Living room war,’ in which footage of combat of combat appeared on the nightly news.
Diagram of events during this time period. Johnson sent troops to Vietnam to Contain communism Many troops die because of enemys Jungle. Disease and some lose Hope and turn to alcohol that will Kill many. Inflation goes up because of cost and Focus on the war in Vietnam. Many thought the war would end quickly. Then living room wars broke out/ When it didn’t many were to tired and We finally left Vietnam with A horrible loose.