The Medication Safety Self Assessment (MSSA) for Australian Hospitals 1 st Kyneton District Health August 2013
What is the MSSA? Clinical Excellence Commission Web-based survey tool allows self assessment of the medication safety practices within a hospital Heighten awareness of the distinguishing characteristics of a safe hospital medication system 10 Key Elements, 20 Core Characteristics 247 questions create a baseline of Australian hospital efforts to enhance medication safety identification of improvement opportunities and comparison with the aggregate experience of demographically similar hospitals (based on bed size/public/independent governance/general medical & surgical service/maternity/ENT/paediatrics/rural/internal clinical pharmacy service). Completed by miniMAC working party
Results: individual
Results: similar demographics
Quality Improvement Plan Chose items where we scored C or below A= No Activity to implement B= Considered but not implemented C= Partially implemented in some or all areas 30 targeted actions identified for Quality Improvement off this survey. Re-survey every 2 years.