Caffeine - A Performance Enhancing Drug? Frank Ayala 4//15/13 HHP399
Purpose The overall purpose of this study was to see if caffeine has enough impact on athletic performance to be considered a performance enhancing drug.
Terms Performance Enhancer- Any drug used by athletes to heighten their abilities in the performance of their sport. Stimulant- A substance that raises levels of physiological or nervous activity in the body.
What is Caffeine? 1.Caffeine is a stimulant, so when consumed it stimulates the central nervous system, heart and muscles. 2. Allows for fat to be used first as a source of energy, then using the stored glycogen.
Sample Data
Average Caffeine Content Pre-Workout: 270 mg per scoop -Hyper FX, 1.M.R, N.O. Explode Energy Drinks:160 mg per 16 oz. -Monster, Red Bull, AMP Coffee: 170 mg per 12 oz.
Usage Pros- Focus, Energy, Endurance, strength, Metabolism and Awareness - 53% of the population that consumed caffeine products say they don’t believe that it gives them a competitive advantage. Cons-Crash, Jitters, Dependency and Sleep Deprivation
Conclusion Consumption of caffeine allows for the abilities of the athletes body to be enhanced, therefore technically being considered a performance enhancing drug.
Sources ngUsingMedicineSafely/UnderstandingOver-the- CounterMedicines/UCM pdfhttp:// ngUsingMedicineSafely/UnderstandingOver-the- CounterMedicines/UCM pdf