ITMG 100 Overview
ITMG 100 Cynthia Nitsch
COURSE CONTENT GOALS Brief introduction to Information Systems. Heighten your awareness of how systems are used within an organization and between organizations Intermediate level knowledge of Excel
CONTRIBUTION TO THE COURSE Behind the scenes 1. Choosing the right mix of course materials to have you successfully pass the exam and have a wide breadth of knowledge of excel…. not just teach to the test 2. I introduced the difficult concepts slowly at the beginning of the course i.e vlookup and if statements
CONTRIBUTION TO THE COURSE 1. Introduce various ways of learning a) In-Class assignments done on the actual (live) software. b) Working with each other in groups to complete the In-Class homework 2. Skills Training and Skills Exam 3. I tried to give you a real world perspective on some of the skill that you learned in Excel
EFFECTIVENESS IN TEACHING THE SUBJECT I have taught the MOS certification for 4 semesters and I think I have figured out what the right mix of course work that needs to be done to give you sufficient knowledge in Excel Comments?
CLASS TIME THEORY Fillers I honor your time and realize that some of the material in class can be self-taught so my mini learning hybrid approach seems to respect your intelligence and your time.
GRADING 1. I realize that life has its unexpected turns. I tried to be as flexible as possible with submissions of homework and allowing you to turn in late homework for some credit. 2. Checking Grade 3. Extra Points on MOS 4. MOS Exam retake
SUGGESTIONS? MyITLab 2010 frustration Take out the Skills Training? Less simulation? New Simulation application Teach lecture one day and excel the second day In-class assignments ? Shoot for Excel Expert?
Thank you for all your hard work. It was my great pleasure to spend a 3 months of your life with me.