CBS Fall 2012 Jacquie Armstrong
SAI Workforce Partners – Incentive Funds Measure the Good Work We Do Provide an Opportunity to Heighten Awareness Most importantly they help students progress Why Level Gains Matter
Washington State Measure FY11 State Actual FY12 State Actual FY12 State Target FY13 State TargetNational Average ABE Beginning Literacy 38% 37%41%39%41% ABE Beginning 33% 38%34%44% ABE Low Intermediate 32% 31%36%34%45% ABE High Intermediate 21% 18%24%25%38% ASE Low 15% 12%16%25%42% ESL Beginning Literacy 50% 51%54%52%47% ESL Low Beginning 52% 55%54%49% ESL High Beginning 49% 47%50%51%52% ESL Low Intermediate 43% 42%47%45%48% ESL High Intermediate 42% 47%43%42% ESL Advanced 30% 27%30%31%24% FY12 Exception Requests for the 45-hour Rule ApprovedUnapprovedTotal Student Outcome Targets
Bellingham Technical College Cascadia Community College Grays Harbor College Lake Washington Inst. of Technology Skagit Valley Community Action Agency Sound Learning Tacoma Community College 16% of providers met this standard Providers that met or exceeded at least 50% of their level targets
Cedar Creek Corrections Center (Centralia CC) Coyote Ridge Corrections Center (Walla Walla CC) Mission Creek Corrections for Women (Tacoma CC) Olympic Corrections Center (Peninsula C) Washington State Penitentiary (Walla Walla CC) 42% of corrections programs met this standard. Corrections Programs that met State targets in at least 50% of the levels
Reflect on your own program: In which levels did performance increase? In which levels did performance decrease? What contributed to these changes? Discuss in small groups: What contributed to the changes in your program? What strategies have been or can be implemented to improve student outcomes in programs like yours and/or across the state? Strategies