0 AB1103 Non Residential Building Energy Disclosure Law Commercial Investment Meeting of the Bakersfield Association of Realtors Bob Riding Community Energy Manager Sustainable Communities April 19 th, 2013
1 1 CA Utilities Service Territories Pacific Gas and Electric Company, incorporated in California in 1905, is one of the largest combination natural gas and electric utilities in the US. Based in San Francisco, PG&E provides natural gas and electric service to approximately 15 million people throughout a 70,000-square-mile service area in northern and central California.natural gas electric service
2 2 Most customers don’t know that… They don’t make more money by selling more power They make money “selling” energy efficiency.
3 4% of U.S. Households Owned Microwave Oven Apple unveils the Macintosh The VCR is in 60% Of U.S. homes. 37% of U.S. households Own a personal computer
4 4 The Energy Use Pyramid “California Loading Order” Benchmarking
5 5 What is AB1103? California Assembly Bill 1103 Commercial Building Energy Use Disclosure Program signed into law October 2007 Utilities must provide consumption data on request from customers Non-residential building owners are required to disclose building energy use via ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager
6 6 Benefits of AB1103 Makes historical energy usage, and the Energy Star score available before sale, lease, or lending transactions are completed. Allows prospective owners, tenants, and lenders to consider energy usage and efficiency as part of the decision making process
7 7 Who and When Compliance with Assembly Bill 1103 expects owners of nonresidential buildings to take certain actions at least 30 days before the sale, lease, or financing of the entire building, with disclosure no later than 24 hours prior to transaction” Compliance schedule: July 1, 2013: Buildings 50,000+ sq ft. Jan 1, 2014: Buildings 10,000+ sq. ft. July 1, 2014: Buildings 5,000+ sq. ft. *system shutdown June 24 - July 10
8 8
9 9 Benchmarking Benefits
10 ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager Nationwide benchmarking tool created by the EPA Provides a benchmarking score from by comparing your building to other similar buildings, for certain space types. Normalizes building variables affecting energy consumption: Building size Space type Weather Hours of operation Occupancy Plug load PG&E’s Automated Benchmarking Service (ABS) Owners enter their building and meter information once, and then authorize PG&E to upload energy use automatically every month
11 Benchmarking Benefits Track and assess a building’s energy consumption Heighten awareness of energy use, as well as greenhouse gas emissions and energy cost information Assess effectiveness of current operations, policies, and practices Assess energy performance baselines and set goals for improvement
12 Apply for Energy Star label with scores above 75 in ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager* *Certain steps can be completed by owner, or agent, but licensed professional services are required for certification Earn points towards LEED certification
13 Compliance Flowchart* 2. Building Owner requests Automated Benchmarking Service 1c. Tenant signs Data Authorization Release 4. Building Owner completes benchmarking 1a. Building Owner opens Energy Star Portfolio Manager Account 3. PG&E uploads data 1b. Building Owner requests Tenant permission *This will be changing as of July, 2013
14 Compliance Details Compliance with Assembly Bill 1103 expects owners of nonresidential buildings to take certain actions at least 30 days before the sale, lease, or financing of the entire building, or “no later than 24 hrs prior to transaction” 1. Register for an account with “Portfolio Manager,” the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s ENERGY STAR program online tool for managing building energy use data. 2. Create a profile within Portfolio Manager for the nonresidential building. 3. Use Portfolio Manager to request that utilities serving the building release the last 12 months of energy use data for the building to Portfolio Manager. What you’ll get is: ◦Disclosure Summary Sheet; ◦Statement of Energy Performance; ◦Data Checklist; and ◦Facility Summary (collectively, the “Disclosure Data”). 4. After the utility data has been provided, download the Disclosure Data; and provide the Disclosure Data as part of the sale, lease, or financing.
15 PG&E workshops and trainings Live Trainings: PG&E offers monthly DIY benchmarking workshops and instructional webinars, as well as ‘Build Your Benchmarking Business” training to develop the workforce to support the benchmarking market On-Demand Trainings: PG&E offers a benchmarking webinar and a How To Guide, and ENERGY STAR offers several training resources as well http//:
16 This will be revamped in July, 2013
17 A free tool that enables your building's monthly energy use to be automatically uploaded into EPA's ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager. Once you establish your account and activate the ABS feature, your ENERGY STAR score will automatically reflect your building's energy performance on a monthly basis PG&E’s Automated Benchmarking Service (ABS) This will not longer be called ABS starting in July 2013; it will be called ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager web services
18 Benchmark to Save
20 A new form will be used starting in June/July 2013, and it will be an online process
25 For More Information PG&E http//: http//: CEC AB 1103 Commercial Building Energy Use Disclosure PG&E’s Business Customer Service Center at Contact your local PG&E Account Manager or
26 Free Home Energy Tune-Up for Kern, Tulare, Kings, Fresno and Madera County PG&E customers Call toll-free (855) or sign up online at
27 Thank You! Bob Riding (559)