Developing High Performance Diverse Teams Knitasha V. Washington, MHA, FACHE National Association of Health Services Executives (NAHSE) Chicago Midwest Chapter President October 27, 2011
A leader is one who manifests direction, integrity, hardiness and courage in a consistent pattern of behavior that inspires trust, motivation and responsibility on the part of the followers who in turn become leaders themselves. - Warren Bennis
Sub- systems Sub- cultures Specialty Units
Environmental scan to understand the issues Stakeholder assessment Convening of stakeholders Collective brainstorming to validate issues Adapt and redesign
Explore problems from a systems perspective Show potentials of solutions that work across sub-systems Promote dynamic networks of diverse stakeholders Inspire learning Foster more system-wide planning, evaluation and research
Determine goals and measures (indicators) Choose methodology (strategy development) Select design (strategy deployment) Develop an action plan Implement Environmental scan to understand the issues Stakeholder assessment Convening of stakeholders Collective brainstorming to validate issues Adapt and redesign
Build a foundation of passion and purpose Understanding roles and responsibilities (individually and collectively) Adequately resourced and empowered Encourage honest and open communication
Embracing differences begins with common purpose and understanding Zero tolerance for a “cookie cutter” approach Creating safe environments that foster strong collaboration Organizational culture must embrace diversity…team productivity is stifled with homogeneity
Globalization = Diversity Globalization is one of the key challenges facing health policy-makers and public health practitioners… in understanding how globalization affects the health of populations or on the appropriate policy responses Diversity is not just ethnicity and race Embracing the concept of globalization is to enhance the quality of care (the delivery of care will look and feel different, heighten awareness and sense of responsibility and ownership throughout organization) Globalization pushes us to provide high-quality services to all program participants regardless of race, nationality, ethnicity, gender, disability status, sexual orientation, age, religion, or other characteristics
High Performing Organizations that Embrace Multiculturalism and Cultural Competence Leaders are equipped to switch between cultural paradigms and deal with ambiguity Identify with individuals from different cultures (e.g., empathize with the person's feelings and communicate recognition, respect, and caring) Opportunity to provide management with basic conflict resolution skills (e.g., better decision-making, more creative ideas, solutions to problems, and improved communication and interpersonal relationships) Culture-specific and cultural-general training
Leadership is key. No leader is any bigger than his/her following (group effort) Systems Thinking Approach to team building and problem solving Every system function with multiple sub-systems Build a culture of purpose and passion Everyone must understand roles, responsibilities, goals and how they are measured Must adapt and redesign as necessary in order to ensure best results Diversity is key to success and is not just ethnicity and race
Thank You Knitasha V. Washington National Association of Health Services Executives (NAHSE) Chicago Midwest President (708)