Overview of Active Technologies for Engaged Learning (ATEL) The Relationship Between Multimodality, Student Engagement, and ePortfolios Marc Zaldivar Director, ATEL, Virginia Tech NLI Spring 2015
Overview How we got here Why engaged learning centric Where TEAL comes in What we mean by ATEL Examples of ATEL D.S Blogging ePs as catalyst for ATEL Multimodality of learning and creating NLI 2015 – Presentation:
How we got here… Phase 1 (Pre-2004): On your own Phase 2 (2004-7): Becoming systematic Phase 3 ( ): Centralizing, department-focused, getting grounded, tool-centered (ePortfolio Initiatives) Phase 4 (2012-now): Student- and process-centered, tools abound (Active Technologies for Engaged Learning) NLI 2015 –
Why active, engaged learning Some assumptions: 1. Learn best by doing. 2. Exploration and innovation are (should be?) key learning outcomes. 3. It’s a long-term gain we’re after. NLI 2015 –
Why TEAL… Networked metaphor TEAL has collaborative, active-learning at its heart. Active learning engages students in two aspects – doing things and thinking about the things they are doing. (Bonwell & Eison, 1991) Scenarios a plenty: Problem-based learning, Kuh’s High-impact Practices, Flexible Classroom spacesProblem-based learning Kuh’s High-impact Practices Many are still instructor- or class-focused. NLI 2015 –
Why ATEL… Active Technologies for Engaged Learning Active Technologies ask students to do, create, reflect, collaborate, create. Engaged Learning asks students to think about that participation, to become invested in being the primary site and source of learning. Broadens our focus beyond ePortfolios to a range of related, active technologies. Experiential Learning Extra- & Co- Curricular Activities Classroom Learning Engaged Learning NLI 2015 –
Examples of ATEL: Blogging Blogging provides the quick, easy ability to write and share. Ranges from private, journal-space to large syndicated “mother blogs.” Ranges from prompted to “free-range” blogging. Example 1: Senior Seminar, English: Example 2: Honors Residential College: NLI 2015 –
Examples of ATEL: Digital Storytelling Creating narratives of research and experiences Can be a cyclic, reflective process Asking for different modes of representation for ideas. Can be personal or professional Example 1: Architecture: What is Design?What is Design? Example 2: History: From the corset to the girdle.From the corset to the girdle. NLI 2015 –
Where do ePs fit in? Image from: ePortfolios feature: Presentation of content Demonstration and understanding of change Representations of self and work ePortfolios catalyze the engaged student experience and the faculty learning outcomes. NLI 2015 –
eP Example 1: Content NLI 2015 –
eP Example 2: Change Year 1 Year 2 NLI 2015 –
Example 3: Representation Natasha LeadsNatasha Creates NLI 2015 –
Two dimensions of multimodality Learning theory Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences (1991) Learning Styles: V/A/R/K Context of the individual(s) and moment Technology Modes of representation Image (moving and still), Sound, Text NLI 2015 –
ePs and multimodality Yes, ePs = multimodality. Learning and modality Various points-of-view on a single learning experience. What happened? What changed? Why? What’s next? How can you best show this? Various modes of representation available Pictures? Video? Text? Color? Sound? NLI 2015 –
Example: Teacher Education Use of multimedia to express ideas in various modes Crystal Beach MAs in Secondary English Education and English: Professional Writing NLI 2015 –
Putting it together Focusing on active learning principles and engaging students in multimodal activities results in deeper learning for our students. Experiential Learning Extra- & Co- Curricular Activities Classroom Learning Engaged Learning NLI 2015 –
Putting it together ePortfolios and other digital artifacts of learning, created using active learning principles, reflect learning more meaningfully. Active technologies, defined as those technologies that support and encourage active learning, can be used to heighten student engagement, innovation, and creativity. NLI 2015 –
Critical Questions How does an instructor untangle the contexts for the different modalities to be employed? Should instructors be deciding on the modalities? How can we shift from scaffolded learning to free-style learning using active technologies like ePortfolios, blogs and digital storytelling? How can student engagement become a primary outcome of our learning environments? What benefits would we see to innovation, transference, and integration of learning? NLI 2015 –
THANKS! Marc Zaldivar This presentation available here: s s2015 Examples here drawn from our student showcase and gallery: NLI 2015 –