Professional Day, Manchester Community College, October 16, 2009
Background Implementation process Activity levels Lessons learned
Admissions, Retention, and Counseling implemented the use of KeyTrain as a pre- Accuplacer tutorial last semester. To launch KeyTrain, we introduced it at New Student Workshops and asked students for their interest in using KeyTrain. More than 950 students requested access to KeyTrain.
To heighten student awareness of the impact of the Accuplacer exams. To assess student readiness in math, English. To increase familiarity and comfort with testing. To provide students with test-prep in math and English before taking Accuplacer. (We all know students realize the significance of their scores – after the fact – when they learn of placements into MAT 075/095 or ENG 094/100.)
Top Five things you need to know: 1. It’s Free. 2. It’s mainly multiple choice, taken on a computer. 3. It’s not timed. 4. You can’t fail. 5. You can prepare for it.
Free, self-paced, online assessment and tutorials for Math & Reading. Spend as little or as much time as you want doing tutorials. You get out of it what you put into it. No risk, nothing to lose.
KeyTrain is provided to the college through an allied health community college grant administered through central administration. We have a total of three free years and unlimited student access.
956 students received accounts. 422 Math Pretests taken. 297 Reading Pretests taken. 158 section quizzes attempted in math; 82 were passed. 159 section quizzes attempted in reading; 50 were passed.
Math Pretest # attempts422 Average score4.2 Math Activity Overview Total: 306 Students Hours Logged: 885/2.9av. Reading Pretest # attempts297 Average score4.2 Reading Activity Overview Total: 270 Students Hours Logged: 402/1.5av.
Sampled ±20% of completed scores. There is a correlation between KeyTrain scores and Accuplacer scores. That correlation is not precise; but allows some predictive basis. Students are motivated to prepare. If we build it, they will come!