Welcome to the Renaissance Community Center
We hope that this orientation is informational. Please contact us with any additional questions. Our contact information is located at the end of this presentation.
The Renaissance Community Center is a one-stop-shop day center for those in our community who are economically disadvantaged and/or experiencing homelessness. Between ourselves and the groups and organizations that we host, a large variety of services are made available to our clients in one location.
The advantage of having this type of setup is twofold: first, for our clients, there is the benefit of being able to have many needs addressed without having to travel to numerous locations (especially when a lack of, or an inability to pay for, transportation may already be an issue); and secondly, having a shared physical space wherein a number of agencies with similar goals are working, allows for increased communication and collaboration amongst them.
Volunteering will give you an opportunity to learn the operational elements of Renaissance Community Center. You will be learning about our intake process, how our service delivery works and who our providers are. There are 5 positions that our student volunteers will fill, but the tasks they are assigned you must know how to complete as well. A separate document will describe each of these jobs.
We at the RCC think that clear expectations are vital to positive and productive volunteer work. If there is ever a time that you are unsure as to what is expected, please consult with the Volunteer Supervisor or Director of Services. Arrive at 8:15am. If you are going to be late, or if you will not be in to the RCC, you MUST inform the volunteer supervisor. Volunteers must be team players and work well with the RCC Staff as well as other agency representivies. Volunteers must show empathy and positive regard for our clients. We expect you to show respect and compassion when working with this vulnerable population. Adhere to Renaissance Community Center dress code.
Welcome to the Renaissance Community Center. We are excited to have you on our team. As your role at the RCC develops and your responsibilities heighten I’m sure you will feel an increasing amount of pride in your work. Volunteering here will push you to find you’re your limitations and passion. Please lean on our staff when you need support and reach out to us for help. You have just entered the Tallahassee social service family, and on the behalf of all of us, I welcome you.
Our phone number is (850) Feel free to send an to We are located at 457 West Virginia Street, Tallahassee, FL