District Profile District Profile Arizona Agribusiness and Equine Center, Inc. Who we are.
Mission Statement The mission of Arizona Agribusiness and Equine Center, Inc. is to prepare young adults for excellence in academics, social responsibility, industry employability and lifetime learning. Academic Goals Every AAEC student will be successful at receiving concurrent high school-community college credits. Every AAEC student will be successful at receiving concurrent high school-community college credits. An increasing percentage of AAEC students will complete a college Associate’s degree concurrently with their high school graduation. An increasing percentage of AAEC students will complete a college Associate’s degree concurrently with their high school graduation. Every AAEC student will meet the minimum requirements to be admitted to a four-year post-secondary institution. Every AAEC student will meet the minimum requirements to be admitted to a four-year post-secondary institution.
Vision THE COMPLETE EDUCATION THE COMPLETE EDUCATION On their path toward College, Career, and Citizenship students will: Observe and develop awareness of social issues Achieve success through Motivation Realize Personal responsibility Establish the habits necessary for a love of lifelong learning Create a sense of enthusiasm and pride in our campus and community Heighten understanding of truth, honesty and ethical behavior We are committed to Engage students in their efforts to exceed in all endeavors they may undertake. THE COMPLETE EDUCATION
District Population
Highly Qualified 100% “Education should consist of a series of enchantments, each raising the individual to a higher level of awareness, understanding, and kinship with all living things.” Author Unknown Educational Level of AAEC Teaching Staff
AAEC Growth
Reading AIMS
Writing AIMS
Mathematics AIMS
Gender Demographics
Goal #1 Mathematics Goal: To increase student’s skills in mathematics and problem solving abilities. Effective assessment of student skills upon entry Effective assessment of student skills upon entry Students not proficient in basic skills will not be allowed to move on to the next level. Students not proficient in basic skills will not be allowed to move on to the next level. Students will be enrolled in additional scheduled support classes in mathematics on Fridays, to catch them up. Students will be enrolled in additional scheduled support classes in mathematics on Fridays, to catch them up. Students in the 11 th grade that have not passed the AIMS math assessment will be enrolled in a scheduled AIMS math class. Students in the 11 th grade that have not passed the AIMS math assessment will be enrolled in a scheduled AIMS math class. Intense review sessions for students that have not passed AIMS 4 weeks prior to AIMS test. Intense review sessions for students that have not passed AIMS 4 weeks prior to AIMS test.
Goal #2 Reading Goal: To improve student’s reading skills that are necessary for students to smoothly transition into the community college and be successful. Proper assessment of students upon enrollment. Proper assessment of students upon enrollment. All subject areas will emphasize reading in lesson plans. All subject areas will emphasize reading in lesson plans. Frequently use oral and written assessments such as quizzes, summaries and outlining across the curriculum to check for understanding of content. Frequently use oral and written assessments such as quizzes, summaries and outlining across the curriculum to check for understanding of content. Give extra credit to students who do books reports in areas of study. Give extra credit to students who do books reports in areas of study. Students that have not passed the AIMS reading assessment will be required to attend scheduled AIMS reading enrichment classes on Fridays. Students that have not passed the AIMS reading assessment will be required to attend scheduled AIMS reading enrichment classes on Fridays.
Goal #3 Community involvement Goal: Increase student awareness of community involvement and issues. Students will have an increase awareness of less fortunate members of their community. Require every AAEC student to be involved in a community service project annually. (Food drives, relief efforts etc.) Require every AAEC student to be involved in a community service project annually. (Food drives, relief efforts etc.) Encourage students to be involved in a community school events such as NHS, FFA, Interact Club or College Government. Encourage students to be involved in a community school events such as NHS, FFA, Interact Club or College Government. Plan an all-school Community Service Day, requiring students to be involved and help with planning. Plan an all-school Community Service Day, requiring students to be involved and help with planning.
Graduation Statistics Average Community College Credits earned by AAEC Graduates 47.5 Average Community College Credits earned by AAEC Graduates 47.5 Percentage of Graduates that earn Community College Associates Degrees 31.7% Percentage of Graduates that earn Community College Associates Degrees 31.7% Average Community College GPA for AAEC Graduates 3.21 Average Community College GPA for AAEC Graduates 3.21 Percentage of Associate Degrees students that enroll in 4 year universities within one year of high school graduation 94% Percentage of Associate Degrees students that enroll in 4 year universities within one year of high school graduation 94% Percentage of AAEC graduates that continue in Community College after high school graduation 78% Percentage of AAEC graduates that continue in Community College after high school graduation 78%