While watching the climatic scene of Apollo 13 make a list of 3-5 techniques the director uses which heighten your sense of tension and suspense. Be sure you don’t just use two examples of the same technique. Creating Suspense
Fiction Non-Fiction Is this film fiction or non fiction? Look at your notes from the film and the article. Compare the descriptions of solutions. Which classification would you define this film as and why? Notice that this is undisputedly a journey, what does your answer suggest about the archetype? Classify this Film
Jim Lovell and Gene Kranz devise a new reason of this journey during the last 2 scenes: Discuss and identify the specific moment this happens for each. Remember that the real reason is almost never a “physical” goal; rather, it is a spiritual or “internal” lesson. The Real Reason…
Alone: Read “from Deep Survival” (98-102). As a table: Select 3 items from the article. Find moments from the film “Apollo 13” which address these items. Explain how these moments demonstrate why the astronauts survived an ordeal which should have killed them.. From “Deep Survival”
Three blocks of writing: 1.The “rule” from “Deep Survival” 2.An example from the film which demonstrates the man’s actions concerning this “rule.” sentences of your explanation/thinking as to how the rule was or was not followed and the results. Product…