HEALTHY PEOPLE 2020 KEY RECOMMENDATIONS Consume a variety of nutrient-dense foods within and across the food groups - especially whole grains, vegetables, fruits, low- fat/fat-free milk products, and lean protein sources Limit the intake of saturated fat and trans fats, cholesterol, added sugars, sodium (salt), and alcohol Limit caloric intake to meet caloric needs
MY PLATE Daily Recommendations (based on 2000 cal diet) Grains : 6 oz Vegetables : 2 ½ cups Fruits : 2 cups Dairy : 3 cups Protein : 5 ½ oz Limitations: No more than 6 tsp of oils Limit calories from solid fats & added sugars to 260 calories Less than 2300 mg sodium
TOO MUCH FAT CAN LEAD TO… Stroke Heart Attack Diabetes Breast Cancer Colon Cancer Hypertension Obesity
BUILDING A HEALTHY MEAL Steps: Make ½ of your plate veggies & fruits Add a LEAN protein (Fish 2x a week) Add 100% whole grains Use a fat-free of low fat dairy source Avoid adding extra fat (i.e too much sauce)
TIPS FOR BUILDING HEALTHY MEALS Use a smaller plate Eat at home more often Try new foods Eat healthy sweets (fruit)
READING FOOD LABELS Help Reading Food Labels Key Steps- Serving size & number of servings Number of calories & calories from fat Percent Daily Value Fat & Sodium content High in fiber, vitamins, & minerals Lean or low fat protein
EATING HEALTHY ON A BUDGET Meal Planning Getting the best price /Coupons Buy in bulk Buy in season Go back to the basics – make it yourself Cook once & freeze meals for the week Use your leftovers Limit eating out
GETTING MORE VEGETABLES Try a new vegetable each week – look for recipes online Choose colorful veggies Stock up on frozen & canned Buy seasonal veggies at farmer’s markets or local supermarkets Prepare veggies in advance Eat me!
KEEPING TRACK OF YOUR DIET Supertracker Daily Food Plans Keep a Food Log Write it down in advance if you think you’ll forget Set daily goals in writing & report how you did at the end of the day
WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT PROTEIN Variety is key Choose seafood twice a week Use lean or low-fat meat & poultry Have some eggs (egg whites are best) Around 5-6 oz daily*
MORE ABOUT PROTEIN Eat plant proteins more often Eat nuts and seeds as snacks or incorporate into main dishes Eat smaller portions of meat Check the sodium – many processed or canned meats are high in sodium & some fresh meats have added sodium for flavor
WHAT ARE PLANT BASED PROTEINS? Beans -Kidney -Pinto -Black -White -Chickpeas. Hummus Peas -Split peas Soy products -Tofu -Tempeh -Veggie burgers Nuts - Almonds - Cashews - Pistachios - Walnuts Seeds - Chia - Hemp - Pumpkin - Sunflower - Flax *Naturally low in saturated fat & high in fiber*
WHAT ABOUT FRUITS? * Keep visible reminders !* Buy in season for the best taste * Make most fruit choices whole or fresh – limit juice
MORE ABOUT FRUITS Buy fresh, canned, frozen, & dried - having convenient options helps you make better decisions Try to incorporate fruit into both breakfast & dinner Snack on fruits Always wash fruit before eating
MAKING BETTER BEVERAGE CHOICES WATER - Drink it with & between meals - Water is easiest on the wallet - It’s always convenient on the go Adults and children take in about 400 calories per day as beverages—drinking water can help you manage your calories.
MORE ABOUT BEVERAGES When you do indulge in soda or juice, select smaller cans Make sure dairy beverages are low fat or fat free
HEALTHY SNACKING Save time – slice fruits & veggies ahead of time for convenience Prepare home made, healthy baked goods in advance Buy healthy snacks that are convenient (for example, yogurt or fruit cups) Watch portion size – should be way less than a full meal
CONSIDER MEAL PLANNING Saves time Saves money Eliminates indecisiveness Reduces stress Reduces chance of making bad decisions
REFERENCES objectives/topic/nutrition-and-weight-status objectives/topic/nutrition-and-weight-status