“The Diary of Anne Frank” Vocabulary Act I
Appalled (adj.) Horrified; shocked
Conspicuous (adj.) Easy to notice; obvious
Disgruntled (adj.) Displeased and irritated
Foreboding (n.) A feeling of something, especially bad or harmful, is about to happen
Inarticulate (adj.) Speechless; unable to speak effectively or understandably
Indignantly (adv.) Angrily aroused by something mean, unjust, or unworthy
Jubilation (n.) Rejoicing; a celebration or expression of joy
Loathe (v.) To hate; to dislike someone or something greatly
Oppression (n.) The act of keeping something down through harsh and unjust use of power; the feeling of being heavily weighed down, either mentally or physically
Ostentatiously (adv.) With great show or exaggeration
Pandemonium (n.) Wild confusion and noise; an uproar
Remorse (n.) A bitter regret or guilt after having done wrong
Vile (adj.) Disgusting; hateful; unpleasant
Wallow (v.) To roll the body about, as an elephant in water or mud; to indulge in or take great pleasure and delight in
Zeal (n.) Great enthusiasm; a devotion to a cause, an ideal, or a goal
Tension (n.) Nervous, worried, or excited state that makes relaxation impossible
Resent (v.) Feel angry out of a sense of unfairness
Insufferable (adj.) unbearable
Bewildered (adj.) Hopelessly confused
Ideals (n.) The standard of perfection, beauty, or excellence