VocabularyWorkshop #3VocabularyWorkshop #3 Word strip due Wednesday, 11/28!


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Presentation transcript:

VocabularyWorkshop #3VocabularyWorkshop #3 Word strip due Wednesday, 11/28!

1.Brood: (n)a family of young animals, especially birds : (v) to think over in a worried, unhappy way 2. Culminate: to reach a high point; to end 3. Drone: to make a buzzing or humming sound; to speak in a dull voice 4. Goad: to drive or urge on 5. Indulge: to give in to a wish or desire

6. Loom: to come into view 7. Luster: the quality of giving off light, brightness, glitter, brilliance 8. Miscellaneous: mixed of different kinds 9. Oration: a public speech for a formal occasion 10. Peevish: irritable; complaining

11. Seethe: to be excited or disturbed 12. Singe: to burn slightly 13. Upright: vertical; good and honest 14. Verify: to establish the truth; confirm 15. Yearn: to have a strong desire