Svetislav Pantić, ICT Association Secretary
Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry Niš operates in three counties (Niš, Pirot, Prokuplje) of South-East Serbia, RCCI Niš is part of the Serbian Chamber system: Serbian CCI, 16 RCCI, Belgrade, Vojvodina, The whole system works on improvement of business climate, internationalization of operations, networking between businesses, connecting participants and government regulatory bodies, provision of various services, rising awareness of social and environmental influence, etc.
Business community consists mostly of alumni, RCCI Niš works permanently to improve their businesses RCCI Niš formulates business needs to Academia, providing feedback to the University and recommendations to curricula changes RCCI Niš urges businessmen to develop knowledge and expertise, through additional courses, carrier development and lifelong learning
The main role of the Chamber is to articulate interests of its members: Business gatherings, Representing of interests, Knowledge and expertise development, Provision of services The Chamber as institution participates in different projects as Leader or Partner
Representatives of companies from different branches organized in 10 Associations, 5 Coordination boards Promotion of companies, products, services, innovations, technical and scientific achievements Organization or attendance of national and international conferences, fairs, expositions, presentations for Chamber members Organization of B2B meetings, match making, business delegations with Foreign affairs, business leads
Representing interests of member companies and association in national policies, legislation and strategic planning Rising initiatives for solving problems common to members, changes of policies, law enforcement, regulation changes Organization of round tables and professional public discussions on new law or regulation proposals Analysis of needs and interests of business groups, formation of associations, proposition of activities and measures
Scientific and professional lectures, Trainings on different topics, Round tables as part of international conferences TELSIKS, ICEST, ICT Forum, International standards acceptance, compliance management, Preparation of project proposals for different EU funds, Participation in different education centered projects
2004 – 23 presentations, 1 showroom, regional participants 2006 – 25 presentations, 4 round tables, national level 2008 – 39 presentations, 2 round tables, 2 international participants 2010 – 42 presentations, 2 round tables, international (10 European countries) 2012 – international participants, project presentations and announcements, scientific session planned, student internship session, YOU are invited too ?
Presentations and lectures on different scientific and professional topics Promotions of University projects and benefits for business community Support of innovations and inventions primarily based on University research Research of business community expectations of graduates’ skills and competitions Analysis of internship opportunities in different types of companies Cooperation on joint projects
ReFLeSS – Reform of Foreign Language Studies in Serbia, TEMPUS IV, – , 19 partners, € E.Co.Loc. – Energetic efficiency and environmental awareness. Experimentation and training for a self-sustainable local development, Adriatic New Neighbourhood II, – , 4 partners, €
More than a dozen projects already realized NOWESES - New Opportunities for Women Entrepreneurs in Southeast Serbia, RSEDP 2, 4 partners, – , € PLATO KO-OPERA, PLATO network, 5 partners, – , € PCNM – Economic and social development, formation of network of centers for establishment and management of development projects in Republic of Serbia, Check Government, 4 partners, € LSOFTD– Lets Share Our Future Sustainable Tourist Development, Cross-border Bulgaria-Serbia, 6 partners, – , € NET4TOUR – Network for cross-border cooperation between Bulgaria and Serbia in Tourist Sector, Cross-border Bulgaria-Serbia, 4 partners, – , €
Cooperation with SMEs and Faculty of Electronics 50+ internships realized, 2-4 project team members, Company expert mentor and Faculty professor mentor, 2-4 credits recognized, 2 students got job after project realization, 5 students offered job after graduation
Support of, and cooperation with students’ organizations AISAC, AEGEE – general student population, IAESTE – Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, EESTEC – Faculty of Electronics, BEST – technically oriented faculties, ELSA – Faculty of Law Young2Young – cross-border project with Bulgaria