Asian Transportation Research Society (ATRANS) 902/1 Glas Haus Building, Soi Sukhumvit 25 Sukhumvit Road, Bangkok 10110, Thailand Tel. +66 (0) , FAX +66 (0)
Background In Asia, currently, we are still facing high level of traffic congestion, pollution, energy used and accidents. Even over decades, there has been heavily an emphasis on building transport infrastructures. But we have limited number of institutes for building knowledge.
Background In May 2007, a group of scholars, researchers and policy practitioners gathered together and discussed enthusiastically how to encourage research studies among young scholars and researchers in Thailand and other Asian countries. ATRANS was established for encouragement of academics / researchers to conduct research on transportation-related problems, traffic safety, energy and environment in multidisciplinary manner.
Mission “to encourage Asian academics and young researchers to conduct transportation-related research activities by providing research funds, collaborating and coordinating with public and private agencies concerned statewide for information gathering as a pool of transportation researches and information interchange benefiting our dynamic society for a better quality of live.”
Area of SpecializationNumber ・ Transport Engineering, planning and policy, Traffic Safety 11 ・ Civil Engineering 1 ・ Urban and Regional planning 1 ・ Economics ・ Business Administration 2 ・ Mechanical engineering ・ Automotive engineering 1 ・ Psychology ・ Education ・ Medical sciences ・ Ergonomics 1 ・ Sociology, Cultural anthropology 0 ・ Environmental science & technology 0 ・ Law, Public Administration 0 ・ Information and communication technology ・ Electrical and electronic engineering 0 Total 17 Areas of Specialization – Regular committee
ATRANS Activities Research Activity Symposium & Academic Activity ATRANS Research, the Journal of Asian Transportation Research Society
Research Activity Funding about $90,000 each year In 2007 and 2008, ATRANS has granted 7 research projects In 2009, ATRANS has granted 4 research projects –Integrating congestion charging schemes and mass transit systems in Bangkok –Feasibility study of Ethanol usage as diesel substitute in Thai transportation sector: Scenarios analysis –Driving cycle for measurements of fuel consumption and exhaust emission of motorcycle in Khon Kaen –An analysis of vehicle kilometers of travel from odometer readings in Thailand
Symposium & Academic Activity To cooperate with politicians, government staff, practitioners, the public and young generation. The 1st Symposium was on 1 st August 2008: “Transport Crisis in Thailand” (123 participants) The 2 nd Symposium was on August 2009 “Transportation for Sustainable Development under Global Financial Crisis: Opportunity or Disaster?” (372 participants) –Also including the ATRANS Student Chapter session (entirely organized and managed by student members who are from Thai universities across the country) In both symposiums, there were Essay and Painting Competitions. To introduce primary, secondary and high- school students to explore transport world.
ATRANS Research, the Journal of Asian Transportation Research Society to provides opportunities to exchange informative, innovative and critical ideas on a wide range of multidisciplinary issues in Asia. The first issue will be published in December 2009
Financing ATRANS society is a non-profit organization and run by donation from oversea donor
Future activity plan Community-based activity: –Raising traffic safety awareness through community participation –Organizing workshops on transportation education provision to community with technical assistance School-based activity: –Encouraging school children and students to create their own program related to safety and perform in ATRANS student chapter activity Research activity: –Increasing communication between experts across Asia.
Conclusions Human and Knowledge development project Multidisciplinary Regional and global networks Public and private Academia, practitioners, young researchers, and also young generation Cooperation with policy makers