NSF Webinar Partnerships for Innovation Programs (Solicitation: NSF ) Karlene A. Hoo, Ph.D. Sara B. Nerlove, Ph.D. Program Directors Industrial Innovation and Partnerships Engineering Directorate National Science Foundation The presentation will be available following the WEBINAR
Solicitation: NSF If you are unable to call in, please send your questions via to both: – BIC: Sara Nerlove – AIR: Karlene Hoo Industrial Innovation & Partnerships 2 The presentation will be available following the WEBINAR
New Solicitation NSF : PFI Two subprograms: NSF Innovation Ecosystem BIC: Building Innovation Capacity (earlier stage) – formerly PFI AIR: Accelerating Innovation Research (later stage) – formerly AIR option 2 Industrial Innovation & Partnerships 3
BIC: Formerly PFI (American Competes Act: Section 508) What Have the PFI Partnerships Been Organized to Do? Stimulate the transformation of knowledge created by the research and education enterprise into innovations that create new wealth, build strong local, regional and national economies and improve the national well-being Broaden the participation of all types of academic institutions to meet the broad workforce needs of the national innovation enterprise Catalyze or enhance enabling infrastructure necessary to foster and sustain innovation for the long-term 4 Research & Knowledge Transfer Innovation Infrastructure & Community Education/ Training Industrial Innovation & Partnerships
AIR: Innovation Strategy for Sustainable Growth and Creation of Quality Jobs Catalyzing breakthroughs for national priorities Promoting competitive markets that spur productive entrepreneurship Investing in building blocks of American Innovation The second section of the RFI seeks public comments on whether proof-of- concept centers can be a means of stimulating the commercialization of early-stage technologies by bridging the “valley of death.” With community input, NSF designed the program Accelerating Innovation Research (AIR) to spur the translation to transfer of fundamental research discoveries towards economic and/or societal impact 5 EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT: SEPT 2009 Industrial Innovation & Partnerships OFFICE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY POLICY & NATIONAL ECONOMIC COUNCIL RFI: MARCH 25, 2010 (75:57)
IIP’s Investments in an Innovation Ecosystem Industrial Innovation & Partnerships 6
NSF Innovation Ecosystem Industrial Innovation & Partnerships 7 Small Business Investors Industry ENG overallNSF overall GOALII /UCRC BIC ERCSTTRSBIRSTC Resources Invested DiscoveryDevelopment Commercialization Foundations AIR University Translational Research Valley of death
Industrial Innovation & Partnerships 8 BIC AIR SBIR/STTR Single Investigator I-Corps ERC I/UCRC ERC I/UCRC MRSEC STC
Key Requirements: NSF LOI required: January 4, 2012 Full proposal: March 1, 2012 BIC Award: $600K/2-year duration – Partnership Letters (distinguish from “Letters of Commitment”): Provide letters from each of the knowledge-enhancing partner companies and all other core partners per NSF AIR Award: up to $800K/2-year duration – Third-party investment (1:1) required – Up to 25% in-kind, and the rest in cash – PI Team (PI, partner entity, and third-party investor) must be present (at NSF) to report on the first year’s accomplishments and plans for the second year Industrial Innovation & Partnerships 9
BIC: Building Innovation Capacity NSF Hallmark: Highly interactive small group collaboration representing research and business perspectives Core: Knowledge-Enhancing Partnership (KEP) group – Academic researchers – At least 2 or more existing small businesses – Others: businesses, profit, not-for- profit, large, small, … Focus: A research platform that gives rise to multiple (2 or more) market-enabled applications in diverse problem spaces Goals – Businesses: “Takeaways” with potential to help them thrive and grow – Academics: Increased agility in adapting their research to market- enabled applications Senior Administrator (a Co-PI) – Key responsibility: commitment to knowledge translation, transformation, transition, and transfer of academic research – -Preferable that PI should not be in the direct reporting line of this Co-PI Industrial Innovation & Partnerships 10
AIR: Accelerating Innovation Research NSF Additional review criteria –Quality of the strategic plan, milestones, and deliverables –Effectiveness of the plan to translate research and/or technology –Commitment of partners, third party investors, and stakeholders –Effectiveness of the partnerships in catalyzing an innovation ecosystem –Quality of the management plan –Effectiveness of the assessment plan –Net added value to the students Industrial Innovation & Partnerships 11 Core –NSF-funded research alliance –Others: another research entity, small business consortia, local/regional innovation entity –Third-party investment (1:1) Focus – Creates innovation ecosystem – Translates to transfer of research discoveries to commercial reality – Builds new partnerships – Encourages spin-offs – Develops entrepreneurial culture
Industrial Innovation & Partnerships 12 NSF Annotated list (e.g., see the key words you plan to provide in your project summary) of suggested reviewers with full contact information. – If submitted prior to proposal submission, reference LOI number and send by to the cognizant program director
Solicitation: NSF If you are unable to call in, please send your questions via to both: – BIC: Sara Nerlove – AIR: Karlene Hoo Industrial Innovation & Partnerships 13 The presentation will be available following the WEBINAR Questions