FP7 /1 FP7 The Human Factor, Mobility and Marie Curie In FP7 Prague, October 2006 Marcela GROHOLOVA The Human Factor, Mobility and Marie Curie Actions EC, DG Research, Brussels
FP7 /2 A European labour market for researchers Typical young people’s view of a research career…. Not a proper career Difficult, long and hard studies Poor rewards, low social status High personal risks, e.g. post-doc hopping, research budgets not stable, mobility problematic
FP7 /3 A European labour market for researchers … And more issues of concern to policy makers: Brain drain vs. Brain gain Not only a European issue, but global Brain drain is only serious when there are no attractive return possibilities and career prospects Without researchers no research
FP7 /4 A European labour market for researchers Sustainable career in research requires: A good research environment An offer of attractive career prospects Systematic and considerable financial investments in researcher’s training, mobility and career development
FP7 /5 A European labour market for researchers The actions-based answer at European level: Development of an open and competitive European labour market for researchers: Improve overall environment for researchers in Europe by enhancing mobility and removing obstacles Develop genuine European career perspectives for researchers, enhancing the EU’s attractiveness for research talent Substantial increase of funding for training, mobility and career development of researchers (PEOPLE - Marie Curie Actions) European Researchers’ Charter and Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers
FP7 /6 A European labour market for researchers Breaking down obstacles to mobility: Joint effort of Commission and Member States to remove obstacles to mobile researchers and making the environment more appealing for researchers in Europe (since 2001) Structured information services and customised local assistance to mobile researchers throughout Europe: European and Czech Mobility Portals and ERA-MORE (since 2003 and 2004 respectively) …
FP7 /7 A European labour market for researchers Reinforce investments in « People »: Revised Commission proposal (28 June 2006) to reinforce the « People » budget from €1,8 billion for 4 years (FP6) to € 4,7 billion for 7 years (FP7) Constitutes a 50% increase on average yearly base compared with FP6
FP7 /8 FP –2013 | Specific Programmes + Ideas – Frontier Research Capacities – Research Capacity People – Marie Curie Actions Cooperation – Collaborative research JRC (non-nuclear) JRC (nuclear) Euratom
FP7 /9 Marie Curie Actions in FP7 Actions: 1.Initial training of researchers 2.Life-long training and Career development 3.Industry-academia pathways and partnerships 4.International dimension 5.Specific actions
FP7 /10 1.Initial training of researchers (1) RTN + EST Objective To improve Early Stage Researchers’ career perspective at European level through trans-national research networks Participants Host organizations (public + privat) Early Stage Researchers, Senior visiting scientists MS+AC (+ max of 30% for Third countries) Mobility 3 months – 3 years Marie Curie Actions in FP7
FP7 /11 1.Initial training of researchers (2) Financing Allowances for ‘Early-stage’ researchers; ‘Visiting scientists’ positions; Contribution to training and networking costs; Short training events open to researchers from outside the network Date of publication December 2006 Indicative budget € 270 million Marie Curie Actions in FP7
FP7 /12 2.Life-long training and career development (1) Individual fellowships EIF + Reintegration grants ERG Objective To support career development of experienced researchers Co-funding of regional/national/international programmes with the same objective Participants Experienced Researchers (> 4 years of experience or PhD) Host organization (for Co-funding - ministries, agencies…) MS+AC Mobility months Marie Curie Actions in FP7
FP7 /13 Marie Curie Actions in FP7 2.Life-long training and career development (2) Financing Allowances for researchers; Contribution to host organization based on number of R/M; Management, Overheads Date of publication December 2006 (January 2007 for Co-funding) Indicative budget € 75 EIF + € 10 ERG + € 90 co-funding million
FP7 /14 3.Industry-Academia pathways and partnerships (1) TOK – IAP scheme Objective To increase longer-term co-operation between both sectors and involvement of the industry in all Marie Curie actions Two-way staff secondment/recruitment of experienced researchers from outside the partnership Organization of the workshops, seminars, conferences, networking activities Participants min 1 Academia – min 1 Industry (in particular SMEs) Early-stage or experienced researchers MS+AC Mobility 2-24 months Marie Curie Actions in FP7
FP7 /15 Marie Curie Actions in FP7 3.Industry-Academia pathways and partnerships (2) Financing Allowances for researchers; Contribution to host organization based on number of R/M; costs related to the organization of workshops, conferences, small equipment costs (only for SMEs), Management, Overheads Date of publication January 2007 Indicative budget € 40 million
FP7 /16 4.International dimension (1) Objective Career development / life-long training for EU researchers: Outgoing fellowships - with mandatory return Return and reintegration for European researchers outside Europe International co-operation through researchers from third countries: Incoming fellowships for ‘top class’ researcher from Third countries Participants Experienced researchers from MS/AC (for outgoing + return) Experienced researchers from third countries (for incoming) Mobility months Marie Curie Actions in FP7
FP7 /17 Marie Curie Actions in FP7 4.International dimension (2) Financing Allowances for researchers; Contribution to host organization based on number of R/M; Management, Overheads For international reintegration scheme – contribution to research costs (salary for other staff, travel, consumables, patent costs, publications costs…) Date of publication January 2007 Indicative budget € 20 (outgoing) + € 20 (incoming) + € 10 (reintegr) million
FP7 /18 5.Specific Actions for policy development (1) Marie Curie Awards + Researchers’ Night Objective To implement the Mobility Strategy To bring researchers closer to public To increase public awareness Participants Organizations from MS/AC (Nights) Individuals from MS/AC (Awards) Marie Curie Actions in FP7
FP7 /19 5.Specific Actions for policy development (2) Financing Night - Grant will cover a period up to 7 months (covering the campaign) Awards – € for each prize Date of publication February + December Nights March Awards Indicative budget € 6.3 (nights) + € 0.5 (awards) million Marie Curie Actions in FP7
FP7 /20 Indicative evolution of Marie Curie Actions across FP’s FP7 - People SP – Marie Curie Actions Life-long training & Career development Individual Fellowships Co-funding (NEW) International dimension Outgoing fellowships Incoming fellowships Return and Reintegration Initial training of researchers Industry-academia pathways & partnerships _______________________________________ Capacities SP Research Potential Specific actions Ideas SP FP6 - Marie Curie Actions Individual Driven Intra-European Fellowships (EIF) Outgoing International Fellowships (OIF) Incoming International Fellowships (IIF) Return & Reintegration European Reintegration Grants (ERG) International Reintegration Grants (IRG) Host Driven Fellowships for Early Stage Training (EST) Fellowships for Transfer of Knowledge TOK-IAP TOK-DEV Research Training Networks (RTN) Conferences and Training Courses (SCF) Excellence promotion: - Chairs (EXC) - Awards (EXA) - Grants (EXT)
FP7 /21 Information Seventh Framework Programme: Newsletter Europe4Researchers: European Researchers Mobility Portal EU research: Information requests:
FP7 /22 Thank you for your attention! Marcela GROHOLOVA DG RTD The Human Factor, Mobility and Marie Curie Actions