Assessment of Undergraduate Programs Neeraj Mittal Department of Computer Science The University of Texas at Dallas
Mission Statement The mission of the Department of Computer Science is to prepare undergraduate and graduate students for productive careers in industry, academia, and government by providing an outstanding environment for teaching, learning, and research in the theory and applications of computing. The Department places high priority on establishing and maintaining innovative research programs to enhance its education quality and make it an important regional, national and international resource center for discovering, integrating and applying new knowledge and technologies. 2
Undergraduate Programs Offered Bachelors in Computer Science (CS) Bachelors in Software Engineering (SE) 3
Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) Students should have a successful, long- lived, computer science based career path Students should meet the needs of industry or academia Students should contribute to, and/or lead, computer science based teams Students should actively pursue continuing (lifelong) learning 5
Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) a) An ability to apply knowledge of computing and mathematics appropriate to the discipline b) An ability to analyze a problem, and identify and define the computing requirements appropriate to its solution c) An ability to design, implement and evaluate a computer-based system, process, component, or program to meet desired needs d) An ability to function effectively on teams to accomplish a common goal e) An understanding of professional, ethical, legal, security, and social issues and responsibilities f) An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences 6
Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) (Contd.) g) An ability to analyze the local and global impact of computing on individuals, organizations and society h) Recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in, continuing professional development i) An ability to use current techniques, skills, and tools necessary for computing practices j) An ability to apply mathematical foundations, algorithmic principles, and computer science theory in the modeling and design of computer-based systems in a way that demonstrates comprehension of the tradeoffs involved in design choices k) An ability to apply design and development principles in the construction of software systems of varying complexity 7
Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) Students should have a successful, long- lived, software engineering based career path Students should meet the needs of industry or academia Students should contribute to, and/or lead, software engineering based teams Students should actively pursue continuing (lifelong) learning 9
Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) a) An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering b) An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data c) An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability d) An ability to function on multidisciplinary teams e) An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems 10
Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) (Contd.) f) An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility g) An ability to communicate effectively h) The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context i) A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning j) A knowledge of contemporary issues k) An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice 11
Additional Outcomes 1) An ability to analyze, design, verify, validate, implement, apply, and maintain software systems 2) An ability to appropriately apply discrete mathematics, probability and statistics, and relevant topics in computer science and supporting disciplines to complex software systems 3) An ability to work in one or more significant application domains, and 4) An ability to manage the development of software systems 12
Changes Made Added two required courses: ◦ CS 3376: C/C++ Programming in a UNIX Environment ◦ CS 4485: Computer Science Project Industry projects Entrepreneurship education Several new application domains added in the SE degree Senior Design Day at the end of every semester 14
Changes Made (Contd.) Aligned course learning outcomes (CLOs) of CS 2305: Discrete Mathematics for Computing I and CS 3305: Discrete Mathematics for Computing II Separate programming courses for non- majors: ◦ CS 1335: Computer Science I for Non-Majors ◦ CS 2335: Computer Science II for Non-Majors Tutoring programs scaled up Many pre-requisite and co-requisite changes to ensure that students don’t get out of touch (e.g., lose touch with programming) 15
New Ideas Freshman experience class: ECS 1200 to improve retention; help improve graduation rates Mentoring program; each Professor mentors 3-5 students Add a course on “System/Algorithm Implementation” Turn one of the programming-centered courses (operating systems?) into a very intensive course which takes students to their breaking point 16