| 0 © United Nations Development Programme MDG Acceleration Framework (MAF): General Introduction and its Possibilities in Nepal.


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Presentation transcript:

| 0 © United Nations Development Programme MDG Acceleration Framework (MAF): General Introduction and its Possibilities in Nepal

| © United Nations Development Programme ▪ The 2010 MDG Summit – Countries know what needs to be done to achieve the MDGs, but progress in implementation is lacking or has slowed in many sectors. – Outcome document calls for an acceleration agenda for the MDGs ▪ MAF developed and tested over – 14 countries and six MDGs – UNDG MDG Task Force ▪ MAF formally endorsed in 2010 by UNDG – UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and UNDG Chair Helen Clark introduce it at the 2010 Summit – UNDP corporate priority – UNDG guidance to UNCTs ▪ Unlocking Progress: MDG Acceleration on the road to 2015 – Summarize and synthesize main lessons learned from the pilot phase – Growing body of country reports and experiences 1 THE MAF: A SHORT HISTORY

| 2 Achievement of intermediate targets Historical trend WHAT IS ACCELERATION?

| 3 WHAT IS THE MDG ACCELERATION FRAMEWORK? Drawing upon country experiences and ongoing processes to identify and prioritize bottlenecks interfering with the implementation of key MDG interventions Using knowledge-based good practices to determine objective and feasible solutions for accelerating MDG progress Creating a partnership with identified roles for all relevant stakeholders to jointly achieve MDG progress Responding to national/local political determination to tackle identified off-track MDGs

| Identify, codify the interventions required to meet the MDG targets Help identify and prioritize MDG bottlenecks Identify solutions to form an MDG Country Action Plan that aligns and focuses stakeholders and resources on accelerating MDG progress Implement and Monitor the MDG Country Action Plan to ensure required impact SYSTEMATIC STEPS IN THE MAF

| © United Nations Development Programme 5 FINDING AND PRIORITIZING BOTTLENECKS


| Proportion of population below minimum level of dietary energy consumption, Proportion of underweight children 6–59 months, Proportion of stunted children 6–59 months, Survival rate to grade 5, Literacy rate for 15–24 year olds, Proportion of births attended by skilled birth attendant, Proportion of population using an improved sanitation facility. 7 Nepalese Prospective towards MAF Relating to Off Track MDG Targets

| LEADERSHIP & PARTNERSHIPS: CENTRAL IN MAFs MAF process owned by the Government The Resident Coordinator (RC) has a crucial role in initiating, facilitating and following up All stakeholders who can contribute to accelerating progress should be partners – Government (across ministries and national/sub-national levels), UN funds and agencies (including UNCT), donors, civil society, academia/think tanks and the private sector Important to involve civil society: Reputed CSOs provide crucial inputs for the analysis, help validate results and secure buy-in, are potential partners in the implementation and monitoring of the Action Plan. 8

| 9 GOING BEYOND THE NATIONAL: COLOMBIA National aggregates mask disparities by region and community Addressing inequalities can be key for success; and politically critical Local governments, CSOs, academia, and private sector often valuable partners In both LDCs and MICs, overcoming serious inequalities is a challenge, and an opportunity – Colombia wishes to reduce social divisions. Activities customized by levels where inequalities are most evident. Provincial and municipal MAFs target different MDGs – health, gender, poverty. Such MAFs exploit degree of decentralization, while integrating with national/regional plans.

| 10 Prioritizing within current investment plans: Togo Motivating cross-ministerial collaboration: Uganda Highlighting local solutions: Uganda Bringing together different partners and stand-alone activities: Ghana, Tajikistan Helping implement laws, roadmaps and policies: Tanzania Indicating how best to adapt existing tools: PNG Addressing inequalities: Colombia Attracting partner interest: Ghana, Niger, Belize… Government ownership and coordination Expert MAF team – national and external – for quality and coherence Cross-sectoral and cross- ministerial engagement: UNCT involvement: UNDG endorsement Anchoring in existing plans Participation of local governments, CSOs and NGOs Learning – but not duplicating – across countries Using available data LESSONSADDED VALUE

| FOLLOWING THROUGH WITH IMPLEMENTATION  Country Actions: Identified neglected policy areas-Uganda addressed women’s right to reproductive health choices Forged new partnerships- Colombia’s provincial governments partnered with the private sector for job creation among vulnerable groups Mobilized Resources- EU MDG Fund to support MAF Action Plans; and Niger’s allocation of budgetary resources ($30 million) to implementation Strengthened advocacy- Ghana declared ‘national emergency on maternal mortality’ and successfully brought new partners on board  UNDP/UNDG Actions: Cross-practice effort to help country offices support implementation; dedicated Democratic Governance TTF (2011) to help remove governance and capacity bottlenecks (e.g. Belize’s water board) Encouraging regional and global collaboration with development partners (MDG Summit follow up conference in Tokyo; EU and others) Incorporating into UNDAF Action Plan: Tanzania (DaO) and Lao PDR; MAF at Regional UNDAF Trainings 11

| IS THE MAF FOR YOU? 12 MDG priorities established with national political commitment to tackle off-track targets Special country context facilitating engagement of all actors and implementation of the MAF Action Plan Evidence of what works and what doesn’t – at national and sub-national levels - drawing from MDG-based NDS’s/PRSPs, mid-term reviews and others Possibility of linking to PRSP/NDP consultations and preparation, as well as to the CCA analysis and UNDAF UNCT capable of influencing policy space in the country, and a strong and respected partner of the Government Criteria for assessing the MAF value added

| NEXT STEPS FOR REACHING THE MDGs 13 Extending the MAF to countries where there is a recognized value added Implementing the Action Plans Achieving and sustaining results and sharing the lessons

| MAF AVAILABLE RESOURCES 14 MDG Acceleration Framework 05 MAF Operational Note and Annexes 05 MAF Brochure ownload/Rapports/MAF% %20OK.pdf Lao PDR: Reaching the unreached publication/MAF%20Report_Lao%20 PDR_September% pdf Colombia: Sub-national levels Nariño: Empowering women pdf/NARINO_UK%20v4.pdf Unlocking progress Report on MAF pilot roll-outs service/download/asset?asset_id=

| MAF AVAILABLE RESOURCES 15 Uganda: MAF on maternal health da%20MDG%20report%202010_final. pdf Togo: MAF on rural poverty (Hard copy only for now) Ghana: MAF on maternal health gha.org/docs/MAFGhana_MDG5_Lo w_Web.pdf Belize: Water and Sanitation (Hard copy only for now) Colombia: Sub-national levels Cundinamarca: Poverty reduction pdf/cundinamarca_v4.pdf Colombia: Sub-national levels Santander: Maternal health maf_col_san_en.pdf

16 © United Nations Development Programme Thank You