Online- Public- Access- Catalog O.P.A.C. A How-To Guide
Step One Log onto the Sharyland ISD District webpage at
Step Two Hover mouse over the Academia Tab Then click on the word Academia Academia
Step Three Click on the first bulleted hyperlink that says Atriuum/OPAC Click Here
Step Four Select the school, in our case Sharyland High School Click Here
Step Five We’ve made it to OPAC, but wait there’s more… There are several ways to search for the book, subject, or even author that you’re looking for
Searches Unsure if we have what you’re looking for this is how to find out… Type in what you’re looking for in the Search box Know the title but not the name of the author type it in here Know the author but not know the title, fill that in here
What to Look For This icon will tell you what kind of material it is This will tell you where to find it This will tell you whether the item is currently available
Databases Don’t forget to check out our free online databases You can find them under the “Quick Links” section Ask your library staff for the username and password.
Conclusion There’s a wealth of knowledge just a point and click away, now go find your Library.