Object Management Group Presentation Unified Architecture Framework and Methodology Key Component to Interoperability 13 November 2014 Walt Okon Professor, Information Technology Science, Technology, and Business Division Northern Virginia Community College-NOVA Alexandria Campus, Virginia Phone: Cell:
Through Constructive Collaboration DoD Architecture Framework will Deliver Interoperability for Shared Systems and Services Premise
The US Government has not defined or mandated a Architecture Framework and Methodology to achieve Interoperability for Shared Systems and Services Problem Statement
Chief Engineers, Chief Architects, and systems designers and developers agree an Architecture Framework is essential to achieving integration and interoperability across systems and services for the US Government. A single Architecture Framework will enable designers and developers to build in integration and interoperability. DoD Architecture Framework (DoDAF) is the widely used engineering centric framework and it is being used through the world in centers of excellence. Four other architecture frameworks are on the market causing confusion, frustration, and increased cost expenditures. Today's Environment
DoD’s DoDAF Direction
Why and When: Historical Development of AF’s. C4ISR Architecture Framework v1.0 C4ISR Architecture Framework v2.0 DoDAF v1.0 MODAF v DoDAF v MODAF v NAF v Scope of UPDM 1.0 Approved Sept 2008 MODAF Meta-Model (M3) expressed using UML Notation MODAF v NAF v DoDAF V Scope of UPDM 2.0 ETC June 2011 DNDAF v1.8 UAF v ? DoDAF V
7 DoDAF v C4ISR F/W v1.0 DoDAF v2.0 UAF v JCIDS & NR-KPP Applicability beyond C4ISR Use-based Integrated Architecture JCIDS & NR-KPP Applicability beyond C4ISR Use-based Integrated Architecture DoDAF v2.01 v2.02 DoDAF v2.03 DoDAF/DNDAF v Joint Interoperability DoDAF v1.0 C4ISR F/W v2.0 Net-centricity and SoA SvcV views Net-centricity and SoA SvcV views 26 AV/OV/SV/TV views Linked to I&S policies CADM AV/OV/SV/TV views Linked to I&S policies CADM 2.0 Fit-for-purpose Data-centric architecture Improved models of systems, services, capabilities, rules, measures DoDAF Meta Model (DM2) based on IDEAS Fit-for-purpose Data-centric architecture Improved models of systems, services, capabilities, rules, measures DoDAF Meta Model (DM2) based on IDEAS Urgent CRs 52 1 XSD IDEAS Foundation v1.0 fixes Urgent CRs 52 1 XSD IDEAS Foundation v1.0 fixes Urgent CRs TECHEDITS DM2 OWL Urgent CRs TECHEDITS DM2 OWL Federal Common Approach DNDAF Security Views Federal Common Approach DNDAF Security Views MODEM – DM2 Harmonization (IDEAS Domain Level) NATO NAF UDAF MODEM – DM2 Harmonization (IDEAS Domain Level) NATO NAF UDAF Standardization, e.g., ISO OMG OASIS Standardization, e.g., ISO OMG OASIS UAF Framework Objective: Achieve a single integrated Architecture Framework for interoperability. Achieve a US, Canada, and United Kingdom single Framework with a common Data Meta Model Achieve alignment with the US Government Common Approach to Enterprise Architecture Framework Objective: Achieve a single integrated Architecture Framework for interoperability. Achieve a US, Canada, and United Kingdom single Framework with a common Data Meta Model Achieve alignment with the US Government Common Approach to Enterprise Architecture Unified Direction of USG and NATO Achieving Strategic Goals and Capability
US Government OMB Direction FEAF-II
Dr Scott Bernard Federal Chief Enterprise Architect OMB Lead for IT Shared Services Executive Office of the President Office of Management and Budget U.S. Federal Enterprise Architecture Commodity IT Services Hosting (Networks, Systems, Apps) Help Desks / Fusion Centers Collaboration Solutions Mobile Solutions Websites & Content Management Data Warehouses Inventory Management Account Management Contracting and Acquisition Print Management Common Approach to Federal Enterprise Architecture Using EA to Design Future-Ready Agencies FEA II and DoDAF 2.02 Merge
Office Of Management and Budget Draft Laws–Executive Orders Controls Budget/Funding Office of the Federal CIO Federal Chief Architect Architecture required- money/budget
Changes in Approach Common Approach to Federal EA FEAF-II Briefed by Dr. Bernard
OMB Desired Delivery IT Reform Agenda Shared Services StrategyCloud Computing Strategy Common Approach to Federal EA IaaSPaaSSaaS Light Apps Security Cloud Computing Reference Architecture (NIST) Shared Services / Cloud Solutions FEAF-II / FEA v2 DODAF v 2.0 Other EA Policy Approach Delivery Data Center Consolidation Shared Service/Cloud Computing Implementation Architecture Briefed by Dr. Bernard
Design Artifact Set 8 Perspectives / 52 Elective) Analysis (A-11 Exhibit 53 & 300) Reference Models (CRM - PRM, BRM, DRM, ARM, IRM, SRM) Design Artifact Set 6 Domains with 6 Required, and 42 Elective artifacts Analysis (A-11/Exhibit 53 & 300) Reference Models (CRM - PRM, BRM, DRM, ARM, IRM, SRM) Annual Enterprise Roadmap (High Level Agency-Wide Current EA Project & Program Summary / 3-Yr Future Summary / Transition Plan) Annual EA Program Assessment (EA Program Maturity / EA Project Value) Common Approach to Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA) Approach 1 - FEAF v2.0 Approach 2 - DODAF v2.02 Agency EA Repository / InventoryDOD EA Repository / Inventory Solution Architecture Projects Collaborative Planning Method - CPM (5 Phases) Solutions Architecture Projects DODAF Method (6 Phases) Annual Agency IRM Strategic Plan (per A-130) EA Reporting Federal-Wide Reference Architectures / Standards U.S. Federal Enterprise Architecture EA Activities Other Governance Areas Briefed by Dr. Bernard
DoDAF will be foundational and enhanced DoDAF will contain DNDAF Security Views/Models DoDAF and MODAF will be Harmonized UAF will be capability focused DoDAF/UAF will become an international Standard (ISO/OMG) DoDAF DM2 and MODEM will be Harmonized Unified Architecture Framework DoDAF Sunsets and Unified Architecture Framework Emerges
15 Common Approach To Federal Enterprise Architecture
“Future First” aligns with the Common Approach to Federal Enterprise Architecture and brings together the areas of design, analysis, projects, standards, reporting and governance. This provides “Full Spectrum E-Governance”. 1 May 2, 2012
Current Engagements: OMG PM-ISE ACT-IAC P&A SIG Federal Chief Architect Constructive Collaboration
Current Engagements: OMG Constructive Collaboration DoD CIO Representative –Len Levine OMG Representative –Richard Soley, Victor Harrison Sr. Vice President ModelDriven –Cory Casanave OMG UPDM Design Team – Matthew Hause
Solutions 5 Standards Organizations 32a Services and Support 4 Com- munity of Interest 1 Com- munity of Interest 2 Com- munity of Interest 3 Com- munity of Interes t 4 Com- munity of Interes t “n” Com- munity of Interes t “n” + “m” Com- munity of Interes t 5 Information Sharing Community Com- munity of Interes t 6 Stakeholders 1a U.S. Government Agencies State, and Tribal Agencies International Agencies Academic Institutions Commercial OMG OASIS W3C Others Requirements Pluggable-- Taxonomies, Vocabulary mappings, and context ontologies Protocols Security Policies Data Connectors & Mappings Late binding, injection, loose coupled, Choreography Leadership Steering Committee Coordination and Prioritization Testbeds and outcomes Funding and Membership Reference Implementations Specifications of usage Testbeds Training Standards Suppliers 1b Commercial Governmental Individual Deliver Productized Approve on behalf of the ISC the publication of Basis for defining Collabora tive Delivery of Needs and opportunities Coordination of Direction Opportunit ies and Capabilitie s Funding and membersh ip Funding Productization and Delivery Needs Participation Capabilities 2b Productization Princip les Specifications CONOPS
Current Engagements: PM-ISE Constructive Collaboration PM-ISE – Kshemendra Paul, Program Manager Pamela Wise-Martinez Vijay Mehra Ralph E Corbitt Ashwini Jarral Mark E. Reichardt
August 12, 2014 Using Information Sharing Environment Interoperability Framework (I2F) Making Interoperability Common with Enterprise Architecture The Office of the Program Manager for Information Sharing Environment
Desired Outcomes Interoperability Safeguarding Search & Discovery Access & Retrieval Dissemination Defense Law Enforcement Foreign Affairs Homeland Security Intelligence Interoperability Requirements Operational Capabilities Exchange Patterns Technical Capabilities Technical Standards Reference Models Exchange Specifications Technical Specifications Enables Constraints/Environment Federal SLT Private Int’l Stakeholders Communities Architecture Frameworks Captured In
What is Information Interoperability? The ability to transfer and use information in a uniform and efficient manner across multiple organizations and information technology systems Australian Information Interoperability Framework (2006) In other words It’s the ability of two or more systems or components to exchange information and to use the information that has been exchanged
PM-ISE mission established in EO1356, EO1388 details the strengthening for information sharing. PM-ISE initiatives are reinforce on standards, interoperability, and architecture etc… DODAF have been huge undertaking but or not directive within whole of government, the need for a unified architecture approach would go far in solving interoperability. Federal Enterprise Architecture Common Approach, lots of goodness, links some DODAF artifacts, but not Directive/Policy FEAF – Policy is in the Agency Requirements to Deliver Transition Roadmaps each April. Supportive, but does not achieve the goals of A119 Under the OMG process the UPDM is a normative specification for modeling DODAF - Supports A119 “use of consensus based standards” I2F provides definitions, and guidance for implementation, but is not Policy Collaboration Agreements
I2F supports Architecture Framework Interoperability via the Architecture Grid Alignment tools, and builds common practices for Interoperable Architecture Design Need practical next steps to achieve Framework Interoperability? Architecture Frameworks alone do not achieve interoperability Federal Workgroup maybe the best approach to achieve Framework Interoperability Standards Coordination Council has ownership of the I2F to operationalize whitespace and other activities, but are not on hook to improve architecture efforts or other nascent thoughts here Collaboration Agreements
Develop a Constructive Collaboration Team to deliver Unified Architecture Framework and Methodology mandated by US Government Policy will result in Interoperability for Shared Systems and Services Solution Direction
Current Engagements: ACT-IAC P&A SIG Constructive Collaboration
1. A member of the Constructive Collaboration Team to deliver Unified Architecture Framework and Methodology. 2. Develop a ACT-IAC position paper that would endorse a need for a US Government Policy using Unified Architecture Framework and Methodology to enable Interoperability for Shared Systems and Services. 3. Support other organization (OMG, PM-ISE, OMB) promulgating Unified Architecture Framework and Methodology. P&A SIG Support Actions
Government: Federal CIO and Federal Chief Architect Department CIOs and Chief Architects Industry: ACT- IAC - IAC Planning and Architecture SIG NDIA Academia: National Defense University Penn State University - FEPO George Mason University NOVA International Standards Organizations OMG – UPDM OASIS
Walt Okon Air Force Officer CC, Eng, ATC, Computers Civ –DISA StratPlans, Eng, System Eng Civ - DoD CIO DoDAF, DARS, Standards Retired Adjunct Professor Vision and Objective Deliver Interoperability for Shared Systems and Services Constructive Facilitation resulting in Collaboration Guide and enable Government, Industry, and Academia