Direction des bibliothèques LibQUAL survey Université de Montréal June 14, 2006 Jimmy Légaré CARL : LibQUAL+ Canada Workshop
Direction des bibliothèques CARL – June 14, 2006Jimmy Légaré, UdeM Participation –2003 Questionnaire translation in partnership with Université Laval + introductory text to LibQUAL+ on our intranet (in French) Preparation (+Web site about project)Web site about project –2004 Survey in spring Translation of the article Cross-cultural implementation of LibQUAL+™: the French language experience in French : La mise en oeuvre interculturelle de LibQUAL+ MC : le cas du françaisCross-cultural implementation of LibQUAL+™: the French language experienceLa mise en oeuvre interculturelle de LibQUAL+ MC : le cas du français
Direction des bibliothèques CARL – June 14, 2006Jimmy Légaré, UdeM Questionnaire translation Done by five librarians from UdeM and Université Laval Discussing issues and collaborating with other people in the process Back translation from French to English was done at York U External expert : would need minor changes for France (= American and British versions)
Direction des bibliothèques CARL – June 14, 2006Jimmy Légaré, UdeM Context 18 libraries across 14 buildings More than 2 million users each year
Direction des bibliothèques CARL – June 14, 2006Jimmy Légaré, UdeM Implementation LibQUAL+ UdeM team helped by a committee Sample built in partnership with UdeM services : –Bureau du registraire = registrar’s office (for students) –Direction des ressources humaines = human resources (for personnel) –Direction générale des technologies de l’information et de la communication = information and communication technologies department Sample : 3000 persons –1 200 undergraduate students (40 %) –600 graduate students (20 %) –600 professors and teaching staff (20 %) –600 other members of staff (20 %)
Direction des bibliothèques CARL – June 14, 2006Jimmy Légaré, UdeM Survey progress Pretest (management personnel) From March 23rd to April 9th 2004 : –Initial invitation plus two reminders –458 completed questionnaires –211 comments (46,1 %) Participation prizes
Direction des bibliothèques CARL – June 14, 2006Jimmy Légaré, UdeM Respondant groups distribution
Direction des bibliothèques CARL – June 14, 2006Jimmy Légaré, UdeM Respondant distribution among libraries (optional question)
Direction des bibliothèques CARL – June 14, 2006Jimmy Légaré, UdeM Service Adequacy Perceived score - Minimum score = Service adequacy
Direction des bibliothèques CARL – June 14, 2006Jimmy Légaré, UdeM Service Adequacy at UdeM
Direction des bibliothèques CARL – June 14, 2006Jimmy Légaré, UdeM Electronic resources use Library use
Direction des bibliothèques CARL – June 14, 2006Jimmy Légaré, UdeM Service adequacy at UdeM vs Average of participating libraries
Direction des bibliothèques CARL – June 14, 2006Jimmy Légaré, UdeM Comments (analyzed with ATLAS.ti) -211 comments divided in 370 elements or ideas -coded with 119 codes used 3452 times
Direction des bibliothèques CARL – June 14, 2006Jimmy Légaré, UdeM Code description Mandatory codes for each element : –User category –Sex –Age –Library –Discipline Subjects –Library as place –Information control –Affect of service Comment type –Positive –Négative –Other : neutral, suggestions, etc.
Direction des bibliothèques CARL – June 14, 2006Jimmy Légaré, UdeM ATLAS.ti report example P 1: Commentaires.txt - 1:117 (1128:1130) (Super) Codes: [Commentaire complet] [Deuxième et troisième cycles] [Entre ans] [Féminin] [Offre de services] [Paramédicale] [Positif] [Sciences de la santé] J'apprécie particulièrement le service de rappel par courriel qui nous permet de remettre à temps nos documents empruntés. Pour les étudiants du 2e cycle qui empruntent beaucoup et à plusieurs bibliothèques, c'est essentiel.
Direction des bibliothèques CARL – June 14, 2006Jimmy Légaré, UdeM Comments Library as place : –Importance of quietness to study –Equipment and study rooms (number and condition) Information Control : –All types of documents are important –Access to these documents Affect of service : –Emphasis on relation with personnel –Concerned with access to computers and photocopying
Direction des bibliothèques CARL – June 14, 2006Jimmy Légaré, UdeM Results communication and actions –Analysis report to management team and to the UdeM advisory committee for libraries –Comments were distributed among the libraries –Summary of results on the Web site for the UdeM communityWeb site –After analyzing results, priorities and actions were proposed by management team –New survey in spring 2007
Direction des bibliothèques CARL – June 14, 2006Jimmy Légaré, UdeM Thank you!