The Centre for Next Generation Localisation LRC XIII Conference Dublin October 2008 Prof. Josef van Genabith
What is Localisation? industrial process of adapting digital content to culture, locale and linguistic environment
What is Localisation? industrial process of adapting digital content to culture, locale and linguistic environment at high quality, speed, volume and low cost
What is Localisation? industrial process of adapting digital content to culture, locale and linguistic environment at high quality, speed, volume and low cost key enabling, value adding, multiplier component of global software and content distribution industry
What is Localisation? industrial process of adapting digital content to culture, locale and linguistic environment at high quality, speed, volume and low cost (!!!) key enabling, value adding, multiplier component of global software and content distribution industry
What is Localisation? Localisation costs money Consequently localisation decisions driven by market Impacts on selection of Languages Content
What is Localisation? Localisation costs money Consequently localisation decisions driven by market Impacts on selection of Languages Content
Three Challenges Volume: rapidly increasing amount of digital content to be localised into more languages Access: print/paper, full screen/keyboard vs. mobile devices, hands-busy, eyes- busy, access on the go off-line vs. instant/real-time Personalisation: coarse-grained “locale” vs. individualised information
Three Challenges Volume: rapidly increasing amount of digital content to be localised into more languages Access: print/paper, full screen/keyboard vs. mobile devices, hands-busy, eyes- busy, access on the go off-line vs. instant/real-time Personalisation: coarse-grained “locale” vs. individualised information
The Localisation Cube Personalisation Volume Access
“Traditional” Enterprise Localisation Volume Access Personalisation
Vision: Next Generation Localisation Personalisation Volume Access
Vision: Next Generation Localisation Personalisation Volume Access
Achieving the Vision VolumeTranslationLanguage Technology MT AccessModalitiesLanguage Technology Speech PersonalisationContentDigital Content Mngmnt AH,IR/IE IntegrationWorkflowLocalisation Research Integration DemonstratorsSystem Framework Research
Achieving the Vision VolumeTranslationLanguage Technology MT AccessModalitiesLanguage Technology Speech PersonalisationContentDigital Content Mngmnt AH,IR/IE IntegrationWorkflowLocalisation Research Integration DemonstratorsSystem Framework Research
Achieving the Vision VolumeTranslationLanguage Technology MT AccessModalitiesLanguage Technology Speech PersonalisationContentDigital Content Mngmnt AH,IR/IE IntegrationWorkflowLocalisation Research Integration DemonstratorsSystem Framework Research
Achieving the Vision VolumeTranslationLanguage Technology MT AccessModalitiesLanguage Technology Speech PersonalisationContentDigital Content Mngmnt AH,IR/IE IntegrationWorkflowLocalisation Research Integration DemonstratorsSystem Framework Research
Achieving the Vision VolumeTranslationLanguage Technology MT AccessModalitiesLanguage Technology Speech PersonalisationContentDigital Content Mngmnt AH,IR/IE IntegrationWorkflowLocalisation Research Integration DemonstratorsSystem Framework Research
Achieving the Vision VolumeTranslationLanguage Technology MT AccessModalitiesLanguage Technology Speech PersonalisationContentDigital Content Mngmnt AH,IR/IE IntegrationWorkflowLocalisation Research Integration DemonstratorsSystem Framework Research
Achieving the Vision VolumeTranslationLanguage Technology MT AccessModalitiesLanguage Technology Speech PersonalisationContentDigital Content Mngmnt AH,IR/IE IntegrationWorkflowLocalisation Research Integration DemonstratorsSystem Framework Research
Achieving the Vision VolumeTranslationLanguage Technology MT AccessModalitiesLanguage Technology Speech PersonalisationContentDigital Content Mngmnt AH,IR/IE IntegrationWorkflowLocalisation Research Integration DemonstratorsSystem Framework Research
Structure of the Project
Use Scenarios/Demonstrators Pers Vol Acc Personalised Multilingual Social Networking Personalised Production Content for Informal Learning Bulk Localisation
Use Scenarios/Demonstrators Pers Vol Acc Personalised Multilingual Social Networking Personalised Production Content for Informal Learning Bulk Localisation Bulk Localisation: E.g. Software Large volume Corporate content Predictable content Off-line Human pre- and post- editing Low personalisation Full screen and text based access Crowd sourcing
Use Scenarios/Demonstrators Pers Vol Acc Personalised Multilingual Social Networking Personalised Production Content for Informal Learning Bulk Localisation Personalised Production Content: E.g. Customer Support Medium volume Corporate content Perishable content (Web) On-line, real-time No human pre- and post- editing Medium personalisation Mixed modality access: Speech, screen, text Crowd sourcing
Use Scenarios/Demonstrators Pers Vol Acc Personalised Multilingual Social Networking Personalised Production Content for Informal Learning Bulk Localisation Personalised Multi-Lingual Social Networking: E.g. Bebo (Irl.), Mixi (Japan) Low volume Personal content Perishable content (Web) On-line, real time No human pre- and post- editing High personalisation Mixed modality access: Speech, screen, text Crowd sourcing
The Centre for Next Generation Localisation
Industry-Academia Partnership Funded by the Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) and the Industry Partners CSET Programme: Centre for Science, Engineering and Technology M euro 100 people (mostly research staff: PhD students and PostDocs)
6. AOB