Education at Sea – Education for the Sea Messages from the Ostend OCEAN SCHOOL 010 meeting IOC50 - International Conference 50 Years of Education and Awareness Raising for Shaping the Future of the Oceans and Coasts, St. Petersburg, April 2010 J.P. Henriet*, W. Baeyens**, J. Seys***, A. Rüggeberg* * Renard Centre of Marine Geology, Ghent University, Belgium **Dept. of Analytical and Environmental Chemistry, Free University Brussels, Belgium ***Flanders Marine Institute, VLIZ, Ostend, Belgium
Expression of the needs Industry Academia Policy Overview of opportunities Infrastructure Know-how Programmes Gap analysis and Action plans Data gathering and communication strategy
Expression of the needs INDUSTRY (sea food, aquaculture, dredging, …) Multidisciplinarity Shape more “Polytechnicians of the Sea” Provide sea-going experience Co-ordinate better international educational efforts and models The Engineer He knows “How” The Scientist He knows “Why”
Expression of the needs ACADEMIA System view: based on strong background, understanding of ecosystems, of analytical tools (strengths and limits), observation, monitoring, ecosystem modelling, etc. Applied research: sustainable use of the ocean, impacts of pollution, industry, maritime transport, protection, coastal defence, biotechnology, scientific support of ocean governance Data management: data sets to be integrated, what are relevant data, where do I find these data, ethics and attitude of data sharing Museums: datasets accessible to students and scientists
ACADEMIA (continued) New challenges – urge for education Example from the shelf: linkages between fluxes (bio-geo-chemical), by observation, modelling, integrative approaches Example from ecology: tipping points where systems change from one type to another one, but when and how happens this? Therefore you need observations in high resolution over long periods Example from geosciences: ultra-high resolution of archives, predictive value in climate research, human impact assessment, testing of models of predictions Expression of the needs (continued)
Message Coastal stations & Regional vessels as Windows on the Ocean
The Belgian continental shelf Navigation Danger areas (old munitions) Wind mill parks Natural reserves Gaz pipes and cables Dumping areas Fisheries and aquacultures (mussel) Sand extraction Expression of the needs POLICY The learning of the Governance of the Sea, MPA’s
FOCUZ EMBC Overview of opportunities “North-West European Ocean School” from Ostend to St. Petersburg at different levels from Secondary School (via undergraduate, graduate) to Doctoral School,
Message Shape regional Ocean Schools, with an Educational dimension a Scientific dimension a Cultural dimension Integration of master programs towards low-latitudes and developing countries Arctic Hanse Celtic Al Andalus B. Sea W. Med E. Med.
Message: Bring IOC-UNESCO TTR back alive: the power of the Floating University, breeding Science through Excitement Infrastructures and Know-how
Message Embark students on affordable and sustainable advanced Ocean Coring Exp. Towards a Core Science Academy (Science & Education) The technological overkill: from the Albatross pioneering expedition to IODP Core Science is the Literacy of the Ocean, of the Earth