Establishing tradeoffs between economic, ecological and environmental goals for attaining sustainable farming systems in Eastern Uganda Makerere University, Faculty of Agriculture, Depts. Of Soil Science, Crop Science, Agricultural Economics District production staff Wageningen University, Montana State University
Application Description Eastern Uganda, Pallisa District Subsistence farming Crops: sorghum, millet, maize, cassave, sweet potatoes, rice Livestock: goats, free-range cattle
Application Description (2) Indicators Economic Indicators: –Poverty, food security Soil quality indicators: –Yields+trends, nutrient depletion, systems sustainability Health indicators: –Water quality and availability, agro-chemical contamination Environmental indicators: –biological degradation, biodiversity, pesticide pollution, climate change
Application Description (3) Scenarios: Input-output price policies Technology developments e.g. IPM, INM Non-farm employment generation Infrastructure development Adding-value options (crop diversification, processing)
Data Available: NUTMON dataset for 60 farmhouseholds To be collected: Georeference data Soil map ?..
Work Plan Formulating and submission of project proposal to donor (Rockefeller Foundation) Organising inception workshop with stakeholders: Local and Central Government, Academia, NGO’s, Farmers’ organisations, Donors Data organisation Review literature, review and adapt NUTMON dataset, filling datagaps
Work Plan Modeling: establish production models, review environmental model (NUTMON), formulation of economic models, iterative interaction with stakeholders Results: reports, publications, feedback workshops Backstopping: project formulation, data organisation, modelling