The Benefits of Modeling with Bentley’s Haestad Methods Solutions
Haestad Methods History Established in years of R&D 130,000 users 170 countries WATER SEWER STORM Other… World leader in water resources engineering modeling software
Minimize Costs Capital investment, operations and maintenance. Maximize Benefits Hydraulic performance & system reliability. Why do engineers use models? To gain commanding knowledge of their Water, Wastewater & Stormwater infrastructure and make informed decisions. Benefits of hydraulic modeling
How are the models used? Site development Urban stormwater management Fire flow analysis Master planning Plan & regulatory reviewers Design & consulting firms Municipal & Governments Regional drainage planners Site designers Utility operational engineers Detention & retention facility designers Roadway & transportation designers Master Planners Academia Plan & regulatory reviewers Design & consulting firms Municipal & Governments Regional drainage planners Site designers Utility operational engineers Detention & retention facility designers Roadway & transportation designers Master Planners Academia Typical Users Sewer capacity analysis Water Quality Modeling Pumping Optimization Distribution Mains
What makes our products unique? 1. Multi-platform environment An environment for every user Bentley’s Haestad Methods solutions 5. Results interpretation From model results to engineering knowledge 2. Model building Leverage virtually any data source 3. Model management Streamlined editing with hydraulic intelligence 4. Hydraulic analysis Engineering tools for real world decisions
1. Multi-platform environment No data duplication / more integration Facilitate learning curve Increased team communication Users of different backgrounds can collaborate An environment for every user BENEFITS Windows Stand-alone AutoCAD platform MicroStation platform ArcGIS platform
2. Model building Data Databases & spreadsheets Demand information, operational strategies, field data, water quality, etc. CAD drawings Network topology, node elevations, scaled lengths, some physical data, etc. Geospatial data Network topology, water consumption data, node elevations, diameters, materials, etc. Leverage virtually any data source Model ModelBuilder. Multi-source model creation LoadBuilder. Demand assignment from geospatial data Shapefile & database synch. Synchronized model connections TRex. Automated elevation extraction Polyline to Pipe. CAD to hydraulic model conversion Model building tools
3. Model management Streamlined editing with hydraulic intelligence FlexTables Fast and easy data editing Scenario Control Center Unlimited “what if” alternatives FlexUnits Change units on the fly Engineering Libraries & Prototypes Enter information once, use it many times
4. Hydraulic analysis Engineering tools for real world decisions Comply with fire flow regulations with WaterCAD Minimize cost and maximize hydraulic performance with Darwin Designer Be prepared for contamination emergencies with WaterSAFE Meet Sanitary Sewer Overflow & Combined Sewer Overflow regulations with SewerGEMS Design cost-effective transient protection strategies with HAMMER
4. Hydraulic analysis…cont’d Engineering tools for real world decisions Comply with Transportation Dept and local regulations with CulvertMaster Save time with quick calculations from FlowMaster Keep rainfall runoff problems at bay with PondPack Analyze complex systems with CivilStorm Avoid street flooding with StormCAD Find optimum designs with SewerCAD
5. Results interpretation From model results to engineering designs Animated plan views with annotation and color coding Multi scenario, time variable graphs Customizable reporting Geospatial visualization Advanced engineering profiling with animation
Water Analysis Products Storm Water −Bentley Wastewater −Bentley CivilStorm −Bentley StormCAD −Bentley PondPack −Bentley CulvertMaster −Bentley FlowMaster Water Distribution −Bentley Water −Bentley WaterGEMS −Bentley WaterCAD −Bentley HAMMER Sanitary Sewer −Bentley Wastewater −Bentley SewerGEMS −Bentley SewerCAD
Water Distribution WaterCAD & WaterGEMS −Master Planning −Pump Sizing −Design −Water Quality Analysis −Cost Estimating −Energy Cost Analysis HAMMER −Transient Analysis (Surge) −Protection Devices
Sanitary Sewer SewerGEMS −Dynamic Wave Analysis −Sanitary or Combined Sewers −Water Quality Analysis SewerCAD −Steady State −Extended Period Simulation −Master Planning −Automated Design −Connected Gravity & Pressure −Infiltration & Inflow Loadings
Storm Water CivilStorm −Dynamic Wave −Pond, Channels, Culverts, Pipes, etc −Water Quality StormCAD −Steady State Analysis −Automated Design PondPack −Interconnected Ponds −Automated Pond Design CulvertMaster −Culvert Design −HDS-5 Analysis FlowMaster −Hydraulics Toolbox
Conclusions Bentley Haestad Solutions has been a leader in the water engineering modeling industry for more than 25 years Engineering analysis and modeling leads to better decision making Bentley Haestad Solutions offer complete modeling and analysis tools for: −Water Distribution Systems −Sanitary Sewer Systems −Storm Water Systems
Conclusions Bentley Haestad Solutions has been a leader in the water engineering modeling industry for more than 25 years Engineering analysis and modeling leads to better decision making Bentley Haestad Solutions offer complete modeling and analysis tools for: −Water Distribution Systems −Sanitary Sewer Systems −Storm Water Systems
The Benefits of Modeling with Bentley’s Haestad Methods Solutions