Ontario Regional Adaptation Collaborative: The Gateway
Climate Change in Canada and Ontario Plus more intense and frequent extreme weather events
To support and decentralize Canada’s response to climate change, Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) is providing $19.8M for the development of six Regional Adaptation Collaborative (RAC) programs as part of their $85.9M commitment (Bali, 2007) Each RAC is made up of Provincial Government departments along with interested partners from the private sector, academia and the broader public sector (including NGOs). The objective of each RAC is to facilitate the integration of climate change considerations into planning and decision-making, and increase the capacity/capabilities of local level decision-makers to adapt to anticipated climate change impacts. The Ontario RAC represents a $7 M investment from NRCan, the Government of Ontario, and its various partners Context
Natural Resources Canada MMAH Clean Air Partnership Ontario East CoastPrairieNorthernBritish ColumbiaQuebec Pollution Probe/ACER OGWA OCCIAR York University Conservation Ontario Toronto Conservation Authorities Insurance Bureau of Canada Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction OCCIAR Toronto Public Health MNR MOE Building Resistance Gateway Source Protection Urban Component Rural Northern Component Public Health Tools Municipal Risk Assessment Sewer/ Stormwater Assessment Risk Management Water ResourcesOutreach & Capacity Building
Weather & Water Information Gateway The Gateway will be a web-based integrated Provincial weather and water information discovery and access service to facilitate decision-making at the community (or local) level. The Gateway will allow easy, timely access to data and information required for critical business functions such as: - Flood and Drought Management - Source Water Protection - Permit to Take Water - Municipal Infrastructure Management This important weather and water related data and information will be easier to discover, access and share between multi-level agencies as adaptation measures are developed for current and future climate conditions.
Building Local Decision Makers’ Capacity through the Gateway Local governments and decision makers/planners are the ultimate users of this gateway, but improved awareness and understanding by a broad range of local stakeholders will also result, potentially leading to more inclusive and integrated approaches to watershed adaptation management. This capacity building project will ensure local governments are better equipped and enabled to make informed policy decisions for their area, not only though direct access via the Gateway to the data and information needed to make these decisions, but from the technical advice, direction and examples provided through Ontario’s RAC and through the local demonstration projects.
LAC#1 Stormwater LAC#2 Source Water Protection LAC#3 Northern Ontario LAC#4 Flooding LAC#5 Low water Response The GATEWAY: Data, information, knowledge and tools CURRENTCLIMATECURRENTCLIMATE FUTURECLIMATEFUTURECLIMATE CLIMATEMODELSCLIMATEMODELS Informed Adaptation Measures More Resilient Communities More Sustainable Watersheds Gaps Analysis, Gateway Input and Testing, Knowledge Transfer MNR, ACER, CA’s, Communities, other stakeholders INFORMATIONSHARINGINFORMATIONSHARING
Ian D. Cameron, P.Eng. Coordinator, Surface Water Monitoring Centre Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources 300 Water Street Peterborough, Ont. K9J 8M5 Tel: (705) James Britton Manager, Water Resources Information Program Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources 300 Water Street Peterborough, Ont. K9J 8M5 Tel: (705) Dr. Quentin Chiotti Project Co-lead ACER Unit 44, 3665 Flamewood Drive Mississauga, ON L4Y 3P5 Tel: Project Coordinators