PERSONAL INFORMATION Co-Manager, Technology-Assisted Lifelong Learning (TALL), Oxford UniversityTALL He has been doing research and working on projects related to technology and education in virtual environments. He has been working especially in the overlapping space between education, academia and technology. In 2007 he released some of the first data on what was then called ‘web 2.0’ first data on what was then called ‘web 2.0’ He lectures at universities and has created and delivered online distance courses. He has published articles and papers, and he has a blog where he publishes his recent ideas and He has delivered a great number of presentations in different parts of the world, especially England and the USA. He has also researched the wild frontiers of Virtual Worlds and Massively Multiplayer Online games He has been doing research and exploring the motivations of individuals and groups when engaging with digital media.
Technology-Assisted Lifelong Learning (TALL) What is the TALL group? It’s a group part of the Department of Continuing Education at the University of Oxford What do they do? They undertake research and consultancy on e learning and technical projects, and develop high quality learning solutions.
Visitors and Residents These concepts originated while the TALL group were doing research as part of the JISC funded Isthmus project not based on what technologies students use but how they use them.JISC Isthmus project These concepts are created to contrast the “Digital Native/Immigrant” distinction These concepts are connected to how students see the web 1) as “a place to live” 2) as “a collection of useful tools”
The ‘Resident’ Live a percentage of their life online Use the web in all aspects of life: professionally, for study and recreation Have a presence online which they are constantly developing The web supports the projection of their identities and facilitates relationships The ‘Visitor’ Use the web as a tool in an organised manner whenever the need arises Have an appropriate and focused need to use the web but don’t ‘reside’ there Log on, perform a specific task and log off Don’t feel at ease by putting their identity online or expressing themselves by participating in online culture
Visitors and Residents: A new typology for online engagement A paper by David S. White and Alison Le Cornupaper They develop their theory proposing a continuum of “Visitors” and “Residents” which describes individual’s engagement with the web They do not categorise according to age or background but according to people’s motivation and context when using technology
Visitors and Residents: What Motivates Engagement with the Digital Information Environment? A collaborative project between JISC, the University of Oxford, and OCLC, and a partnership with the University of North Carolina, Charlotte.project They use the Visitors and Residents framework to map learner’s modes of engagement in both personal and institutional contexts. The project is assessing whether individual’s approaches shift according to the learners’ educational stage or whether they develop practices/literacies in early stages that remain largely unchanged as they progress through their educational career. Learners from both the UK and the US are participating so as to explore potential cultural differences between the two countries. It is anticipated that the project will evolve into a three-year longitudinal study which will investigate the four educational-stages from school level to scholar
References "JISC." Visitors and Residents: What Motivates Engagement with the Digital Information Environment? :. Web. 03 May OCLCResearch. "Digital Visitors and Residents: What Motivates Engagement with the Digital Information Environment?" YouTube. YouTube, 17 Jan Web. 03 May TALL Blog. Visitors and Residents. Web. 03 May TALL Blog. Blog Archive. Not ‘Natives’ & ‘Immigrants’ but ‘Visitors’ & ‘Residents’. Web. 03 May "Technology-Assisted Lifelong Learning." University of Oxford. Web. 03 May White, D. "Staff." Profile. University of Oxford. Web. 03 May White, David S., and Alison Le Cornu Visitors and residents: Towards a new typology for online engagement. First Monday 16(9).Visitors and residents: Towards a new typology for online engagement