1 Stephen C. Prier – President Glenn R. Eckhardt – Chief Executive Officer Aktarius Technical Services, LLC 7506 Yellow Bluff Rd Panama City, FL
Growing Veteran Owned Small Business (VOSB) with Competitive rates Proven quality products and services Strong partnerships Direct access to high value subject matter experts Offices locations in Panama City, Florida; National Capitol Region; and Des Plains, Illinois Provides expertise in: emergency response, emergency management, program management, administrative support, and training product development
Vision Build a valued and respected technical services company recognized across our core business areas based on ethically doing the right thing. Mission Be the provider of choice for expertise in Emergency Management, Emergency Response, Force Protection, Homeland Security and CBRNE operations by helping our clients with a high quality, cost effective approach.
Streamlined, responsive management structure Open-minded and empowered staff Cost effective Minimal overhead Competitive salary structure Financially Stable Client focused Team player 4
Assistance and Advisory Support (A&AS) Staff and subject matter expertise Senior mentorship Reports, studies, and analysis Policy and product integration Logistics support Training and exercise support Product development
We can provide: Program management HQ level policy, guidance and publications development Tactics, techniques, and procedure development support International agreement support (NATO, ASIC and ABCA) Exercise management and support HSEEP-compliant table-top & full-scale exercise support Operational impact analysis Subject matter experts in: emergency management, HAZMAT, CBRN, force protection, police services, fire emergency services and more
Government agencies Federal State Local Industry and academia International entities
Pentagon - Headquarters US Air Force (HAF) Force Protection doctrine development Installation common operational picture requirements development and selection of a standard Joint program integration direction (USAF and JPEO- CBD) with JEM and JWARN HAF force protection steering group updates Ft Hood after action report Emergency communications center consolidation Common Operational Picture selection
Air University Commander’s School Air Force Incident Management Course (AFMIC) program management support Course updates British Petroleum (Gulf oil spill response) Logistics management support Office of Secretary of Defense (OSD ATL) Emergency Management Working Group Ft Hood findings – course of action development Mass notification options Common Operational Picture standards
NATO Doctrine and Terminology Panel NATO CBRN Warning and Reporting Panel NATO CBRN Working Group NATO Training Group ASIC Force Protection Working Group Joint Community Served as USAF SME for JP 3-11, 3-40, and 3-41
Past Experience: Expertise for doctrine, policy directives, instructions, manuals, and handbooks development Expertise for Joint training materials, lessons and computer-based training programs Expertise for CBRNE equipment requirements, procurement, and sustainment All hazard exercise and real-world planning guidance, checklists, and automated tools
Experience supporting Technology demonstrations Response planning Performance plans and roadmaps Joint service training support workshops Tactics, techniques and procedures development Modernization requirements review International teams of experts’ working groups
Proven QA processes Task Order Business Management Plan developed up front Complies with ISO-9001 quality standards 13
Team members averaging over 25 years of experience Flexible responsive management Best value approach Strong partnerships All hazards planning, response, and recovery capabilities Quality products and services A work ethic that’s very difficult to match
Stephen C. Prier, President Tel Glenn R. Eckhardt, CEO Tel PO Box Panama City FL Contact Information: