Question Tag. You are a boy, aren’t you? He is going to LA, isn’t he? He is not here, is he? They were traveling by car, weren’t they? She was ok, wasn’t.


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Presentation transcript:

Question Tag

You are a boy, aren’t you? He is going to LA, isn’t he? He is not here, is he? They were traveling by car, weren’t they? She was ok, wasn’t she? She will work tomorrow, won’t she? He won’t understand, will he?

You would buy me a present, wouldn’t you? Many people wouldn’t carry that, would they? I can drive a car, can’t I? You can’t speak German, can you? They have received a letter, haven’t they? She hasn’t dropped the bag, has she?

There is a helicopter in the sky, isn’t there? There isn’t water in the refrigerator, is there? There was five people in the train, wasn’t there? There weren’t birds in that park, were there? I work everyday, don’t I? I don’t believe in you, do I?

She lives in Utah, doesn’t she? She doesn’t enjoy that, does she? We answered the question, didn’t we? Peter didn’t get the bus, did he?

Special Cases I am looking for the baggage, aren’t I ? But: I am not a stupid mother, am I? Let’s make a bird house, shall we ? Let’s not fight, shall we ? Stop smoking, will you ? Don’t be silly, will you ?

That’s a window cleaner, isn’t it? Never, hardly, scarcely, nothing, nobody, no one, little, etc change to a negative sentence. Nobody understood the question, did they? You have never traveled by yourself, have you? Nothing will change this, will it? No money is here, is it?

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