High Performance Internet Service at the University of Michigan April 2000 Internet2 These slides are available from the U-M I2 Web page:
What do we mean by high speed?
What is Internet2? l A network protocol and software development initiative of the university community l Goal to make it possible for whole new kinds of network applications to be built l Enhancing existing applications with new features l Creating new applications that weren’t possible before l Maintain leading edge network capability for the research and education community l Transfer the resulting functions and capability so that they become available to everyone - not to just the research and education community
Example Internet2 Applications l Remove control of scientific instruments l Telescopes, Electron microscopes, Accelerators l Access to supercomputing centers l Distributed processing at widely separated sites l Distributed storage l High quality, full motion, large image, interactive video l Collaboration l Scientific l Performance and fine arts l Medical imaging and collaboration
What is Abilene? l One of the high performance Internet2 networks l Operated by UCAID in partnership with Qwest, Cisco, Nortel and the University of Indiana l Currently supported by an OC-48c (2.5G bps) national backbone l Links GigaPoPs to each other and to the vBNS, federal agency and international high performance networks l Directly supports 140 participants l Supports native IP multicast l Will support differentiated Quality of Service
What is the Michigan GigaPoP? l GigaPoPs are the regional aggregation points that connect Internet2 participants to each other and the Internet2 networks l The Michigan GigaPoP: l is managed and operated by Merit l has 622M bps (OC-12c) and 155M bps (OC-3c) links to Abilene l provides service to MSU (155M), U-M (622M), WSU (155M), MTU (45M), WMU (45M) and UCAID (155M) l attachments are available to educational, governmental, non-profit and for-profit organizations l some participants must be sponsored by a university participant l no longer has a direct attachment to the vBNS
Michigan GigaPoP April 2000
UCAID: University Corporation for Advanced Internet Development l A non-profit membership corporation l offices in Ann Arbor, New York and Washington, D.C. l Mission: Provide leadership and direction for advanced networking development within the research and education community l Both Internet2 and Abilene are UCAID projects l 180+ university members l Plus affiliates and corporate partners l Primary Abilene participants must be UCAID members l Secondary Abilene participants must be sponsored by a primary Abilene participant, but do not need to be members themselves
Current U-M Status l 622M bps Abilene access delivered to Arbor Lakes l Shared with MSU, WSU, WMU, UCAID and Merit l CAEN backbone upgraded to 622M bps ATM core l 622M bps attachment at Arbor Lakes l Bottleneck limiting access to 155M bps will be removed soon l MCIT backbone upgraded to gigabit ethernet l 622M bps attachment at Arbor Lakes l ITD backbone upgraded to 622M bps ATM core l Bottleneck between ITD backbone and Abilene limiting access to 100M bps will be removed by the end of April 2000 l Many departmental network attachments must be upgraded from 10M bps to 100M bps or faster
U-M’s Current Status l U-M has had access to high performance networks since August 1997 l Everyone at U-M has access to Internet2 networks now, but the quality/speed of that access is uneven l Traffic is routed to Internet2 sites automatically l Based on the sites involved l Not based on the type of traffic l ATM, like fast and gigabit ethernet, is a networking technology that may be used to achieve high performance access, but Internet2 networks are TCP/IP networks and not ATM networks
What Next? l Multicast l Differentiated Quality of Service (QoS) l Middleware l Identification l Authentication l Authorization l New application development/deployment l including high quality interactive video l A U-M Internet2 day l probably in early fall
Want More Information? l U-M’s I2 Web page l list l To join send to with the word “join” without the quotes as the only word in the subject l Merit’s I2 Web page (info about Merit, Internet2, and Abilene): l The official Internet2 Project Web site: l Contact Jeff Ogden, U-M’s I2 Coordinator: l Phone: , FAX:
The End