Opposites 1 (M5,6/interm) 1.aware 2.dependent 3.helpful 4.honest 5.interested 6.kind 7.organised 8.patient 9.possible 10.reliable 1.Unaware 2.independent 3.unhelpful 4.dishonest 5.uninterested 6.unkind 7.disorganised 8.impatient 9.impossible 10.unreliable
Opposites 2 (M5,6/interm) 11.satisfied 12.sensitive 13.sociable 14.sympathetic 15.tolerant 16.Usual 17.Happy 18.Healthy 19.True 20.loyal 11.unsatisfied 12.insensitive 13.unsociable 14.unsympathetic 15.intolerant 16.Unusual 17.Unhappy 18.Unhealthy 19.Untrue 20.disloyal
Opposite 3 1.Obedient 2.Contented 3.Considerate 4.Expensive 5.Formal 6.Perfect 7.Polite 8.Mature 1.disobedient 2.discontented 3.inconsiderate 4.inexpensive 5.informal 6.imperfect 7.impolite 8.immature
Modals for speculating 1.A strong conviction that something is/was true 2.A strong conviction that something is/was not true 3.A possibility that something is/was true 4.A possibility that something is/was not true 1.Must 2.Can’t 3.Could, might, may 4.May not, might not
Multipart verbs (6) 1.Stop tryingGIVE 2.Depress GET sb 3.Have a good relationship with GET 4.Continue doing sth GET 5.CriticiseGET 6.ToleratePUT 7.MeetGET 8.Start doingTAKE 1.GIVE UP 2.GET sb DOWN 3.GET ON WITH 4.GET ON WITH 5.GET AT sb 6.PUT UP WITH 7.GET TOGETHER 8.TAKE UP
Personality adjectives (1) 1.Namosúrenýb.. 2.Veselýc.. 3.Sebaistýc.. 4.Tvorivýc 5.Kritickýc 6.Chaotickýd 7.Dynamickýd 8.Štedrýg 9.Usilovnýh 10.Nápomocnýh 1.Bad-tempered 2.Cheerful 3.Confident 4.Creative 5.Critical 6.Disorganised 7.Dynamic 8.Generous 9.Hard-working 10.helpful
Personality adjectives (1) pokr. 11.Čestnýh.. 12.Necitlivýi.. 13.Materialistický m.. 14.Náladovým.. 15.Spoločenskýo.. 16.Trpezlivýp.. 17.Vytrvalýp.. 18.Pozitívnyp.. 19.Spoľahlivýr.. 20.Sebecký s.. 11.Honest 12.Insensitive 13.Materialistic 14.Moody 15.Outgoing 16.Patient 17.Persistent 18.Positive 19.Reliable 20.selfish
Personality adjectives (1) pokr.2 21.Plachý s 22.Spoločenskýs 23.Tvrdohlavýs 24.Súcitnýs 25.Tolerantnýt 21.Shy 22.Sociable 23.Stubborn 24.Sympathetic 25.tolerant
Modals in the past a.Past achievement b.Obligation in the past c.Lack of obligation in the past d.Ability in the past e.Lack of ability in the past f.Permission in the past g.Lack of permission in the past a.Managed to=was/were able to b.Was obliged to=had to c.wasn’t/weren’t obliged to= didn’t have to d.Had the ability to= could e.Didn’t have the ability to= couldn’t f.Was/were allowed to= could g.Wasn’t/ weren’t allowed to= couldn’t